Tohoku University Library Kita-Aobayama 東北大学附属図書館本館

TOHOKU UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Main Building 東北大学附属図書館本館

Using the Library


Opening Hours

  • During semester: Monday-Friday, 9:00-20:00
  • During semester break: Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:00

Closing Days

  • Weekends and public holidays
  • Summer holidays
  • Year-end and New Year's holidays

*Any changes will be announced on this website and the noticeboard in the library.

After-Hours Use (Members of Aobayama North Campus Only)

  • Students of Aobayama North Campus can use the library including the entrance hall and Knowledge-Corridor after regular service hours.
    -Weekdays: 7:00-24:00
    -Weekends and public holidays: 9:00-20:00
  • Students (both undergraduates and graduate students) are not allowed to use the library during the following hours.
    -Weekdays: 0:00-7:00
    -Closed days: 0:00-9:00, 20:00-24:00
    *If any use during these hours is discovered, the user may be suspended.
  • Faculty and staff of Aobayama North Campus and emeritus professors of Tohoku University have all-hour access to the library.
  • The following departments belong to Aobayama North Campus.
Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate School of Life Sciences (on Aobayama North Campus) Research Center for Neutrino Science
The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Museum
Tohoku University Botanical Gardens Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science (Mikamine)
Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science (Aobayama) Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education Kita-Aobayama Library

Library Card

One of the following cards is required to enter the library and borrow the library's materials.
See "Library cards"
Faculty and staff Students Emeritus professors Long-term members of Shuyukai Others(*2)
Faculty and stuff ID(*1) Student ID(*1) ID for emeritus professors ID for Long-term members of Shuyukai User's Card
(*1)For issuing your ID, please contact General Affairs Section or Student Affairs Section of your department.
(*2)For part-time lecturers, researchers, research students, non-degree students, special auditing students, visitors, etc.

Applying for a User Card

For university members who do not have an IC card or a magnetic card, we will issue a user's card.
Please make an application via Google Forms or at the service desk of the library. Your card will be issued the next day of application.
When you come to the library to receive your card or to make an application, please bring either of the following documents.

Users Requirements
Faculty, staff, part-time lecturers, researchers, etc Documents confirming affiliation and period of employment, or a certificate from the person responsible for your laboratory, etc.
Research students, non-degree students, etc Paper student ID card or document confirming affiliation and period of enrolment
*For visitors, please see "For Visitors."

Entry and Exit

  • ID card or Library card is required to enter.
  • Go through the gates one person at a time.
  • If an error occurs, try again after a pause.
  • Penalties may be imposed if fraudulent entry, such as the lending of an ID/library card, is discovered.

Borrow, Return and Reserve


To borrow materials, bring them to the service desk with your card. A self-checkout machine is also available.
*Borrowing allowances vary depending on the library.
(e.g. Undergraduate students can borrow up to 5 books for two weeks from Kita-Aobayama Library and up to 5 books for 3 weeks from Main Library at the same time.)
Kita-Aobayama Library's borrowing allowances are as follows.

User Number of items Loan period Renewal
Undergraduate students 5 in total 2 weeks Once
Graduate students 10 in total
Faculty and staff 10 in total

Non-Circulating Materials

Reference books, journals, some audiovisual materials, and newspapers are for in-library use only.


You can extend the loan period of the books once for 14 days if no one has reserved them and you do not have any overdue books.
Click the "Extension" button of "Check Status of Loan/Reservation" on MyLibrary.

  • Please return books by the due date. If you have an overdue book, you cannot renew any books.
  • It is not permitted to borrow a book immediately after it has been returned.
  • Please refrain from occupying books for long so that everyone has equal access to them.


Bring the materials to the service desk during opening hours.
During closing hours, put the books in the book drop at the entrance of Knowledge-Corridor.

  • You can return books to any on-campus libraries except departmental libraries (Department of Mathematics Library, Department of Physics Library, etc.).
  • Books with CDs should not be put in the book drop as they may be damaged.


If the book you wish to borrow is currently on loan, you can place a reservation.
Search the book via OPAC, click the "Reserve" button, and submit the reservation form via MyLibrary.

On-Campus Delivery Service

If you wish to get books from other on-campus libraries, please place your order in the same way as for reservations.
For more information, please see "キャンパス間資料搬送サービス." (Japanese text only)


If you have an overdue material, you cannot renew or borrow any materials. You'll receive a reminder for overdue materials.
If materials are lost or severely damaged, we may ask you to buy the same book for a replacement.

Laboratories and Department Libraries

If you wish to borrow materials from laboratories of Aobayama North Campus, please contact Kita-Aobayama Library.
As for department libraries, please check the website below.

Photocopying of Materials

Self-Service Photocopying

There are different types of copiers depending on the payment options.

  • Private expenses with cash
  • Laboratory expenses with IC card
    *IC card is distributed to each laboratory.
Payment Location B&W printing Colour printing
Private expenses 1F \10 per page \50 per page
Laboratory expenses 3F Ask at the service desk Ask at the service desk
*Please follow your laboratory's rules when you use the IC card. The payment will be automatically deducted from your laboratory budget every quarter.
*It costs you 400 yen to make a new IC card or reissue.
*When you forget to bring your IC card, please ask at the service desk.
*For those who do not have an IC card and those who are not from Aobayama North Campus, laboratory's expense payments can be made without a card. See "Copying by Staff" .
*When making photocopies, fill out the application form beside the copiers.

Photocopying by Staff

Library staff will make photocopies on your behalf. Please bring the materials to the service desk and fill out the application form.

  • Service hours: 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-15:50 (weekdays only)
  • Self-copying is recommended as it costs less.
  • In the case of private expenses, copying by staff is available only when receipts are required. Payment is in cash only. Please prepare the exact amount as there is no change given.
  • In some cases, the service may take a long time or may not be available.
User B&W printing Colour printing
Tohoku University members \20 per page \40 per page
Visitors \35 per page \70 per page

Copyright Law and Photocopying

All works are protected by copyright laws. Copyright owners have the right not to have their works reproduced without permission.
All reproduction, including transcribing, copying, or scanning, is prohibited.
As an exception, photocopying in libraries is permitted under the following conditions (Article 31 of the Copyright Law):

  • The purpose of reproduction must be research or studies.
  • The work must be publicly available.
  • The reproduction must be a part of a work. (*1)
  • The whole of a work can be reproduced if it is an individual work that has been printed in a periodical and a considerable period of time has elapsed since its publication. (*2)
  • One may reproduce only one copy. The copy must not be reproduced or distributed, whether with or without fees.
(*1)"A part of a work" is considered as less than half of its total pages.
(*2)"A considerable period of time" is considered as the period until the next issue is published. For quarterly or annual publications, it is considered as the period until three months have elapsed since its publication.

Facilities and Equipment

Terms of Use

  • Eating and talking on the mobile phone are allowed only in the Entrance Hall.
  • Beverage in a sealable container such as a plastic bottle may be brought into the library.
  • No food or beverages of any kind are allowed when using the library's PCs.

Floor Map

Click on the image to enlarge.

1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor

How to Use Facilities and Equipment

Entrance Hall
  • Eating, drinking, and talking is allowed.
  • Alcoholic drinks are not permitted.
  • Please refrain from talking too loudly.
Prayer room
  • The room is available for people of all faiths.
  • Hours: 9:00-20:00 on weekdays (During semester breaks: 9:00-17:00 on weekdays)
Prayer Room
  • Each of the 2nd floor and 3rd floor has a PC for using OPAC and the 1st floor has 2 PCs for printing and using e-journals.
  • The PCs for printing are connected to the printer near them and you can print for a fee.
  • To connect to the Internet, Tohokudai ID and Password are required.
  • Use of the internet is limited to academic and research purposes only. It must not be used for entertainment.
Group study room The rooms are available for group studies.
  • Eligibility: The group must include at least one person who belong to Aobayama North Campus and 3-8 people in total.
  • Hours: 9:00-19:45 on weekdays (During semester breaks: 9:00-16:45 on weekdays)
  • Capacity: 8 seats for each room (There are 4 rooms in total.)
  • Application: Make a reservation via MyLibrary.
    *Reservations should be made between 7 days before and on the day of use.

They can be used by individuals for the following purposes only.
  • Purposes: Studying out loud or having a job interview
  • Application: Please apply at the service desk shortly before use.
Group Study Room
Event Space
  • Eligibility: The group must include at least 3 people who belong to Graduate School of Science/Faculty of Science/Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science.
  • Hours: 9:00-19:45 on weekdays (During semester breaks: 9:00-16:45 on weekdays)
  • Capacity: 100 people
  • Application: Read the arrangement and make a reservation via Google Forms.
    *If there are people who do not have library card, attach the list of member to Google Forms.
    *Reservations should be made from six months to two weeks prior to use (excluding holidays).
Event Space

Wi-Fi (eduroam)

Wi-Fi (eduroam) covers all floors of the library.
Your sub ID and password are required to. See the manual for students for more information.

Interlibrary Loan/Photocopy

You can request books and photocopies from libraries on other campuses or other universities.
*This service is available to Tohoku University members only.
*Depending on the circumstances, it may take some time for the material to arrive.
*Some materials may not be available.
*To request books from other on-campus libraries, please see On-campus delivery service.


  • Journals held by other libraries in Tohoku University
  • Journals held by other institutions
  • Apply via MyLibrary or fill out the application form and submit to the service desk.
  • [On-campus materials (held by other libraries in Tohoku University)]
    • B&W printing:\20 per page, Colour printing:\40 per page

  • [Off-campus materials (held by other institutions)]
    • B&W printing:\35-60 per page + postage
    • Colour printing:\70-150 per page + postage
    *Fees for photocopies vary depending on the institution holding the material.
  • [Private expenses]
    • Please pay at the service desk when you pick up your copies.
    • Cash payments only. *Change or currency exchange is not available.
    • We will issue a receipt.
  • [Laborators expenses]
    • Expenses are automatically deducted from your research budget every quarter.
    • You need registration to use your research budget in advance. Please contact us.
Time required 4-10 days on average


Materials Books which are not held by Tohoku University. (Journals cannot be ordered.)
*Depending on the institution, borrowed materials may be restricted to use within the library.
Application Apply via MyLibrary or fill out the application form (PDF) and submit to the service desk.
  • Postage costs will be charged.
  • *Packing charges may be added depending on the institution.
  • [Private expenses]
    • Please pay at the service desk when you pick up your books.
    • Cash payments only. *Change or currency exchange is not available.
    • We will issue a receipt.
  • [Laboratory's expenses]
    • Expenses are automatically deducted from your research budget every quarter.
    • You need registration to use your research budget in advance. Please contact us.
Time required 4-10 days on average
Loan period 1-2 weeks of loan on average. (It depends on the institution holding the material.)

Reference Service

If you need help, the library staff will assist you. Feel free to ask for help.
The library accepts requests for books that are not available in the library. Make a request via "MyLibrary" or submit the application form available in the library.


    MyLibrary is an online service of Tohoku University Library.
    To use the service, log in with your Tohokudai ID and password via the library's website or Tohoku University's portal.
    If you forgot your Tohokudai ID/PW, go to this page.

    The following services are available via MyLibrary.
    • Make reservations for books
    • Check the status of books on loan/reservation
    • Renew the loan period
    • Make requests for Interlibrary loan/photocopy service
      *This service is available for off-campus books or photocopies of on-campus and off-campus materials.
      *To request books from other on-campus libraries, search the book on OPAC and click the "Reserve" button.
    • Make requests to purchase books
    • Make reservations for facilities
      *Available facilities vary according to your status and affiliation.

For Visitors

Services for Visitors

  • Browsing
  • Using OPAC (online catalogue)
  • Reference Service
  • Photocopy

*Loan service is not available for visitors.
*Please refrain from using the room as a study area.

Entrance Procedure

Application form

  • Please call the library staff on the intercom at the entrance and the staff will open the gate.
  • Please fill in the application form at the service desk.

Library card

  • We issue library cards for those who wish to use the library in the long term.
  • Please visit the service desk with your identification such as your driver's license or health insurance card.
    *Service hours: 9:00-17:00 (Only weekdays)
  • The library card can be used in other on-campus libraries with some exceptions.
  • Renewal is required annually.
  • Please be considerate to students especially during the examination period.

Application for Photocopy (Mail Delivery)

Please apply through your institution's library.
If you do not belong to any institution, please apply through your nearest public library or email us directly.
When you directly apply to our library, payment can only be made by registered mail (GENKIN KAKITOME).
*Please do not over or underpay for fees. Fixed-amount money orders are not accepted.
*Receipts are issued only in the name of the applicant (not companies or institutions).


Kita-Aobayama Library

  • Phone:022-795-6372
  • Email:klib-s[@]