2021 Academic year
Temporary closure due to the earthquake
- Agricultural Library is closed from 17th Mar. due to the earthquake.
- There is no concrete prospect of resumption at this point.
- We apologize for the inconvenience.
Change of services during the spring holidays
- The library's services will be changed as follows during the spring holidays.
- *Please check the calendar.
Open hours:
- 9:00 - 17:00
- (Feb. 4th (Fri.) - Apr. 8th (Fri.))
- *The members of the Graduate School of Agricultural Science and the Faculty of Agriculture can use the library until 24:00 every day.
Due date:
- If you borrow books between Feb. 4th (Fri.) and Apr. 1st (Fri.), the due date is Apr. 15th (Fri.).
- *The loan period of serials, the shared stack room's books and other libraries' books is two weeks.
- *If you are leaving the university before Apr. 15th (Fri.), please return books before you leave.
- *If you are going to graduate, please return books by Mar. 25th (Fri.).
New arrivals (e-books)
- New e-books are available.
- Click titles listed below to open a browser.
- *E-books can be searched in the OPAC system as well.
How to use
- -Click the button "閲覧" to open an e-book.
- -Click the button "閲覧終了" to close an e-book.
- -The number of concurrent access is limited to one user. Try again later when you cannot get access.
- -GakuNin is necessary when you access e-books from outside of the campus. See the manual for GakuNin.
Reference books
- 生き物と音の事典
- 衛生動物の事典
- 魚類学の百科事典
- 醸造の事典
- 食品添加物事典 新訂第2版
- 植物ウイルス大事典
- 新分類キノコ図鑑
- 図説果物の大図鑑
- 世界の食文化百科事典
- 動物の事典
- 農業経済学事典
- 農業用語の基礎知識 ―営農・園芸のすべてがわかる必携用語集―
- 鳴き声から調べる昆虫図鑑
- 鳴き声から調べる野鳥図鑑
- ポストハーベスト工学事典
- 水環境の事典
- 身近な昆虫識別図鑑
- 栄養科学イラストレイテッド
- 応用栄養学 改訂第2版(栄養科学イラストレイテッド)
- 基礎栄養学 第4版(栄養科学イラストレイテッド)
- 食品衛生学 改訂第2版(栄養科学イラストレイテッド)
- 生化学 第3版(栄養科学イラストレイテッド)
- エコロジー講座
- 森の不思議を解き明かす(エコロジー講座 1)
- 生きものの数の不思議を解き明かす(エコロジー講座 2)
- なぜ地球の生きものを守るのか(エコロジー講座 3)
- 地球環境問題に挑む生態学(エコロジー講座 4)
- 家畜の科学
- ブタの科学(シリーズ「家畜の科学」 2)
- ヤギの科学(シリーズ「家畜の科学」 3)
- ニワトリの科学(シリーズ「家畜の科学」 4)
- ヒツジの科学(シリーズ「家畜の科学」 5)
- ウマの科学(シリーズ「家畜の科学」 6)
- 実践土壌学シリーズ
- 土壌微生物学(実践土壌学シリーズ 1)
- 土壌生態学(実践土壌学シリーズ 2)
- 土壌生化学(実践土壌学シリーズ 3)
- 土壌物理学(実践土壌学シリーズ 4)
- 土壌環境学(実践土壌学シリーズ 5) 食品の科学
- ゴマの科学(シリーズ《食品の科学》)
- 小麦の科学(シリーズ《食品の科学》)
- 酒の科学(シリーズ《食品の科学》)
- 卵の科学(シリーズ《食品の科学》)
- 茶の科学(シリーズ《食品の科学》)
- 水産学シリーズ
- 現代の水産学 ―100号記念―(水産学シリーズ 100)
- 魚介類の摂餌刺激物質(水産学シリーズ 101)
- 新しい養魚飼料 ―代替タンパク質の利用―(水産学シリーズ 102)
- 水産と環境(水産学シリーズ 103)
- 水産動物の生体防御(水産学シリーズ 104)
- 漁業の混獲問題(水産学シリーズ 105)
- 魚介類の鮮度判定と品質保持(水産学シリーズ 106)
- ウナギの初期生活史と種苗生産の展望(水産学シリーズ 107)
- 魚の行動生理学と漁法(水産学シリーズ 108)
- イルカ類の感覚と行動(水産学シリーズ 109)
- 生物機能による環境修復 ―水産におけるBioremediationは可能か―(水産学シリーズ 110)
- トラフグの漁業と資源管理(水産学シリーズ 111)
- ヒラメの生物学と資源培養(水産学シリーズ 112)
- 有用海藻のバイオテクノロジー(水産学シリーズ 113)
- 魚介類の細胞外マトリックス(水産学シリーズ 114)
- 水産動物の成長解析(水産学シリーズ 115)
- 砂浜海岸における仔稚魚の生物学(水産学シリーズ 116)
- 水産育種に関わる形質の発現と評価(水産学シリーズ 117)
- 水産資源・漁業の管理技術(水産学シリーズ 118)
- マイワシの資源変動と生態変化(水産学シリーズ 119)
- 磯焼けの機構と藻場修復(水産学シリーズ 120)
- 漁業と資源の情報学(水産学シリーズ 121)
- 魚貝類筋肉タンパク質 ―その構造と機能―(水産学シリーズ 122)
- 水産養殖とゼロエミッション研究(水産学シリーズ 123)
- TAC管理下における直接推定法 ―その意義と課題―(水産学シリーズ 124)
- HACCPと水産食品(水産学シリーズ 125)
- 水産環境における内分泌攪乱物質(水産学シリーズ 126)
- 漁具の選択特性の評価と資源管理(水産学シリーズ 127)
- 魚類の自発摂餌 ―その基礎と応用―(水産学シリーズ 128)
- オゴノリの利用と展望(水産学シリーズ 129)
- 魚介肉構成タンパク質と酵素の役割(かまぼこの足形成 1)(水産学シリーズ 130)
- スズキと生物多様性 ―水産資源生物学の新展開―(水産学シリーズ 131)
- 水産業における水圏環境保全と修復機能(水産学シリーズ 132)
- 海藻食品の品質保持と加工・流通(水産学シリーズ 133)
- 有害・有毒藻類ブルームの予防と駆除(水産学シリーズ 134)
- 魚類の免疫系(水産学シリーズ 135)
- 水産動物の性と行動生態(水産学シリーズ 136)
- 養殖魚の健全性に及ぼす微量栄養素(水産学シリーズ 137)
- エビ・カニ類資源の多様性(水産学シリーズ 138)
- マアジの産卵と加入機構 ―東シナ海から日本沿岸へ―(水産学シリーズ 139)
- 微量人工化学物質の生物モニタリング(水産学シリーズ 140)
- 水産物の品質・鮮度とその高度保持技術(水産学シリーズ 141)
- 水産機能性脂質 ―給源・機能・利用―(水産学シリーズ 142)
- 水産食品の安全・安心対策 ―現状と課題―(水産学シリーズ 143)
- ベントスと漁業(水産学シリーズ 144)
- 流出油の海洋生態系への影響 ―ナホトカ号の事例を中心に―(水産学シリーズ 145)
- 水の挙動とゲル物性の変化(かまぼこの足形成 2)(水産学シリーズ 146)
- レジームシフトと水産資源管理(水産学シリーズ 147)
- ブリの資源培養と養殖業の展望(水産学シリーズ 148)
- 水産物の原料・産地判別(水産学シリーズ 149)
- 養殖海域の環境収容力(水産学シリーズ 150)
- 水産の科学
- ウナギの科学(シリーズ「水産の科学」 2)
- カキ・ホタテガイの科学(シリーズ「水産の科学」 3)
- ノリの科学(シリーズ「水産の科学」 4)
- マダイの科学(シリーズ「水産の科学」 5)
- 新しい農業経済論 ―マクロ・ミクロ経済学とその応用―新版
- 家畜伝染病ハンドブック
- 写真でわかる野菜・果樹の病害虫防除 ―病害虫対策決定版!!―
- 森林計画学入門
- 土壌学概論 改訂
- 農業・食料問題入門
- 農村地域計画学(シリーズ地域環境工学)
- 農地・草地の歴史と未来(人と生態系のダイナミクス 1)
- フードシステムの経済学 第6版
- よくわかる食品有害微生物問題集
Change of the closing time (14 Jan.)
- Due to the cancellation of classes, the library's closing time will be changed as follows.
Date and time
- Closed at 17:00 on 14 Jan. 2022
- *The members of Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences and Faculty of Agricalture can use the library until 24:00.
Winter holiday closure
- Agricultural Library will be closed during the winter holiday.
Date and time
- Close: Tue., 28 Dec. 2021, 17:00
- Open: Wed., 5 Jan. 2022, 9:00
- *The library is not available for anyone during the holiday.
- *Please check the library's calender.
Temporary Suspension of the library's services (mid-Dec.)
- Some of the library's services will be suspended due to a system update.
- The ending time may change.
- We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
Service suspension schedule
- -Self-checkout machines
- Wed., 15 Dec., 13:00 - Mon., 20 Dec., 9:00
- -MyLibrary(Purchase request)
- Sun., 12 Dec., 0:00 - Mon., 20 Dec., 9:00
- -MyLibrary(Loan/photocopy request, confirmation of loan/reservation status, etc)
- Sat., 18 Dec., 0:00 - Mon., 20 Dec., 9:00
Temporary Suspension of the library's services (4 Dec.)
- Some of the library's services will be suspended due to a system update.
- We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
Date and time
- Saturday, 4 Dec. 2021, 8:30a.m.-7:00p.m.
- *The ending time may change.
Suspended services
- -Self-checkout machines
- -Library's desktops
- *The campus Wi-Fi(eduroam) is available.
- -MyLibrary
- *Electronic journals and databases are available if you access them directly or through GakuNin.
- *The library's website, TOUR and the library's digital collections are available.
[University members only]"Tell Us Your Oshi-Books." (until 27 Dec.)
Agricultural Library is holding an event, "Tell us your Oshi-books."
"This is a must read book!"
If you think so, that book is your "Oshi-book."
Let us know your "Oshi-book."
Every participant will get a small prize.
We are looking forward to your participation.
- -Write your "Oshi-book" and comment on Google Forms.
- -You can choose from the library's holdings or others.
- -The library would buy some of recommended books considering the library's book selection basis and the budget.
- -Everyone's "Oshi-books" and comments will be exhibited in the library.
- -There is also an online exhibition.
- Participants:
- Members of Tohoku University
- Application form:
- Google Forms
- Period:
- From 17 Nov. to 27 Dec.
- Prize:
- Choose either one of a face mask, a hand towel or a plastic folder.
- *Click here to see the prizes.
- How to get:
- Come to the library's service desk and show an email from the library which you will get after your application.
- Period:
- From 17 Nov. 2021 to 31 Jan. 2022
- Place:
- The exhibition area of the library (on the 2nd floor, next to the new books area)
- *There is also an online exhibition.
- Period:
- From 6 Dec. to 27 Dec.
Use of the library when the service desk is closed
- From Monday, 15 November, Agricultural Library will resume the use of the library when the service desk is closed.
- Members of Graduate School of Agricultural Science and Faculty of Agriculture
- *Other people cannot use the library during the time below.
- Weekdays 7:00-9:00, 20:00-24:00
- Holidays 7:00-24:00
How To Use
- -Use the self-checkout machines to checkout library's books.
- -Use the book drop to return the library's books.
- -The lights automatically turn off at midnight.
- -The air conditioning system is unavailable.
- -Take preventive measure against COVID-19: wear a face covering, disinfect your hands and avoid the "Three Cs" (closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings).
- -Before leaving the library, turn off electronic devices and lock windows. If there is no one left but you, turn the lights off.
- -Do not remove the library's equipment.
- -Do not eat or drink in the prohibited area.
- -Dangerous acts are strictly prohibited.
- -Be quiet not to disturb other users.
- -When an earthquake occurs, do not panic and keep distance from bookshelves.
- -This use of the library may be suspended when the library's rules are broken or the situation of COVID-19 gets worse.
[For faculty members] Book recommendations for students
- We would like you to tell us books you recommend for students.
- Due: 30th November (Tue.)
- Please choose books you recommend for students.
- -The books should not necessarily be related to the curriculum.
- *You can choose any of the following: specialized books, liberal arts books and reference books.
- -Journals and yearbooks should be excluded from the recommendation list.
- -If there are any books you are going to list in the next syllabus, please add them to the recommendation list.
- *The books listed in the current syllabus have already been purchased except they are out of print.
- -Some of recommended books might not be purchased considering the library's budget.
- Please submit by either way of the followings.
- 1. Email / Document box
- -Fill in the recommendation list(PDF / Excel, only in campus).
- -Send the list by email or put it into the library's document box
- *Email address: alib"at"grp.tohoku.ac.jp
- 2. MyLibrary
- -Log in to MyLibrary.
- -Click "Purchase Request (for Students)" on the bottom of the screen.
- -Select "No" for the field of "Priority Lending."
- -Select "Agricultural Lib" for the field of "Location."
- -Fill in the all fields and send it.
- 3. Google Forms
- -Click here to access Google Forms.
- -Fill in the form and send it.
- *2 and 3 are available throughout the year for both of faculty members and students.
Please use them when you find any books to recommend after the due date.
Use of the library's PCs
- There are more PCs available from 18th August.
- Please note that each PC should be used for its designated purpose as follows.
- There are six desktops available for the following purposes.
- -One PC for searching the online catalog (in front of the counter)
- -Two PCs for printing (in front of the counter)
- *They might be used for browsing National Diet Libarary's digital collection as well.
- -Three PCs for using audio-visual materials (in the lounge on the mezzanine floor)
- There are five laptops available for borrowing.
- Please show your ID card at the counter.
- *The PCs should not be taken out of Aobayama Commons.
Report on the library's restoration
- Due to the earthquake on 13th February, some of the library's services were stopped.
- As the restoration was finished, we resume the following services.
- Thank you for your cooperations.
Resuming services
- -Use of the reference area on the second floor
- -Use of the desks and chairs in the journal area on the second floor
Change of services during the summer holidays
- The library's services will be changed as follows during the summer holidays.
- *Click here to check the calendar.
Open hours:
- 9:00 - 17:00
- (August 11th (Tue.) - August 30th (Thur.))
- *The library is not available for anyone after 17:00.
Days closed:
- August 12th (Wed.) - August 17th (Tue.)
- *The library is not available for anyone.
Due date:
- If you borrow books between July 28th (Wed.) and September 22nd (Wed.), the due date is October 7th (Thur.).
- *The loan period of serials, the shared stack room's books and other libraries' books is two weeks.
- *If you are leaving the university before October 7th (Thur.), please return books before you leave.
Agricultural Library will reopen on May 10th. (Services are limited.) [updated on May 17th]
- Agricultural Library will reopen on May 10th.
- Although we resume some of our services, there are some limitation. (Please refer to the following.)
- Accordingly, the temporary counter will be closed and the temporary services will end.
Open hours:
9:00-17:00 (weekdays only)- 9:00-20:00 (weekdays only) [updated on May 17th]
- *Night time services are unavailable.
Services available:
- Almost all of services written on the library guide except for the following.
- *There are three desktops available for the purposes below. [updated on May 17th]
- -One desktop for searching OPAC.
- -Two desktops for printing. *They can be used for NDL Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries as well.
Services unavailable:
- -Entering the reference books area
- *The ceiling is under maintenance.
- *If you need reference books, please ask the library staff. (9:00-17:00) [updated on May 17th]
- -Using desks and chairs in the journals area
- *There is only one evacuation route in this area.
- *Do not stay this area for a long time.
- -Borrowing library's laptops
- -Library use by non-members of Tohoku University
- Thanks to your cooperation, Agricultural Library can resume some of our services.
- We apologize there are still some limitation.
- Thank you for your patience.
Photocopies of Agricultural Library's materials are available (limited)
- Agricultural Library's materials are available for photocopy from Apr. 7th.
Service available
- -Borrowing other libraries' books
- -Receiving photocopies of other libraries' materials
- -Returning books
- -Borrowing Agricultural Library's books (Please refer to the notice on Apr. 5th.)
- -Receiving photocopies of Agricultural Library's journals. (Please refer to the notice below.)
Service unavailable
- -Entering Agricultural Library
- -Borrowing Agricultural Library's journals (We are taking an inventory.)
Notice on getting photocopies of Agricultural Library's journals
- -Please make a request from MyLibrary beforehand.
- *You can apply from "Inter Library Loan/Photocopy request."
- *You can receive photocopies at any libraries.
- -To receive photocopies at Agricultural Library, please choose "Agricultural Library" in the field of "Circulation Counter."
- *As Agricultural Library is currently closed, please come to the temporary counter.
- *The temporary counter is right in front of the entrance of Aobayama Commons.
- -The fee is 20 yen per a black/white sheet and 40 yen per a color sheet.
- The service is limited because Agricultural Library has not fully recovered yet.
- We apologize for the inconvenience and we would appreciate your understanding.
Agricultural Library's books are available (limited)
- Agricultural Library's books are available for loan from Apr. 5th.
Service available
- -Borrowing other libraries' books
- -Receiving photocopies of other libraries' materials
- -Returning books
- -Borrowing Agricultural Library's books (Please refer to the notice below.)
- -Receiving photocopies of Agricultural Library's journals.(Please refer to the notice on Apr. 7th.)
Service unavailable
- -Entering Agricultural Library
- -Borrowing Agricultural Library's journals (We are taking an inventory.)
Notice on borrowing Agricultural Library's books
- -Please make a request from MyLibrary beforehand.
- *After searching for books on OPAC, please click the "Request."
- *You can receive books at any libraries.
- -To receive books at Agricultural Library, please come to the temporary counter.
- *The temporary counter is right in front of the entrance of Aobayama Commons.
- *You cannot enter the library. Library staff bring books.
- -When receiving books at the temporary counter, you can borrow up to 5 books (the total of Agricultural Library's books and other libraries' books).
- Thanks to the cooperation of some students and staff from other libraries, Agricultural Library's books are now available for loan.
- However, the recovery is not finished because of the tremendous damage caused by the two big earthquakes on Feb 13th and Mar. 20th.
- We apologize for the inconvenience and we would appreciate your understanding.
【農学分館】[復旧状況]落ちた本を棚に戻す作業は、ほぼ終わりました!しかし、これから壊れた天井やドアの工事が始まるため、館内施設の利用はまだできません。また、未点検の資料や、破損資料も多数あります。ご不便をおかけしますが、完全再開までもう少々お待ちくださいますようお願いいたします。 pic.twitter.com/mSokOqVHdn
— 東北大学附属図書館(Tohoku Univ. Lib) (@hagi_no_suke) April 6, 2021