Commentaries on the Materials
1. Abe Collection displayed in the third permanent exhibition
- Abe, Jiro"Personalism (Jinkaku-Shugi)" Iwanami books, in 1922 (In Japanese)
Most books in Abe Collection were purchased to establish the Research Institute for Japanese Culture. Against its name, the collection contains few books possessed by Abe himself. Though written by Abe himself, this is the 13th edition in the 14th year of Showa (1939), purchased from a second-hand bookstore later. You can see scribbles pointing out parts to be eliminated on the ground that "the social atmosphere has considerably changed" or proposing "quoting epigrammatic sentences at the end of the book". These scribbles are thought to have been written by someone familiar with Abe before he purchased the book. (Abe Collection)
- Saito, Mokichi"Kakimoto-no-Hitomaro" (Commentary, 2 Vols.) Iwanami books, 1939 (In Japanese)
This is the commentary on Kakimoto-no-Hitomaro's poems by Mokichi Saito (1882-1953). He published a number of papers on Kakimoto-no-Hitomaro, who is one of the representative poets contributing to Manyo-Shuu. As a result, Saito achieved reputation as a scholar in addition to his fame as a poet of Araragi school. This book was dedicated to Tohoku University Library with the author's autograph. (Abe Collection)
- Muraoka, Noritugu"Research for history of Japanese thought" (Nihon-Shisoshi-Kenkyu) Oka books, 1930 (In Japanese)
Muraoka (1884-1947) was the first professor of the department of history of Japanese thought, which was established in the faculty of law and literature of Tohoku Imperial University in 1923. On the basis of German philology, he advocated historical cultural studies, whose motto is "recognition of what was recognized". He exerted himself to develop Tohoku University Library this as its third Director. This book was dedicated to this library with the author's autograph. (Abe Collection)
2. Ishizu collection displayed on the third permanent exhibition
- Kierkegaard, Soren. Der Begriff der Angst. Jena,1923.
This Der Begriff der Angst (The Concept of Anxiety) is the version collected in the anthology of the works by Kierkegaard, Danish religious philosopher, published at Jena in 1923. The book is octavo (a style of binding, in which a sheet of paper is folded 8 times to be a book) and you need to cut apart the pages with a knife to read it. Many notes on the pages suggest that the book was read carefully. (Ishizu Collection)
- Tanabe, Hirotoshi ed. "Religion and Myth" (Shukyo-to-Shinwa), Compendium of Sociology Vol. 6 (Shakaigaku Taikei Vol. 6), Kokuritsu-shoin, 1948 (In Japanese)
This is a collection of papers discussing such subjects as "religion and society", "religion and science", "myth and legend" and "rites" on the basis of the doctrine mainly advocated by Marinofsky, who studied cultural functions of myths and the relationship between myths and structures of society. Many notes and tags are considered to be traces of the author's later revisions. (Isizu Collection)
- Yasaka, Kazuyuki"Sociology, general theory, Vol. 1" (Shakaigaku, Ippan-riron Vol. 1), Takayama books, 1950 (In Japanese)
This book is the collection of the author's notes for his lecture on sociology at university. In the preface, the author mentions that the book is intended to be a systematic introduction. The content consists of two chapters: "sociology as a science" and "the general structure of social and cultural phenomena". The book is octavo (a style of binding, in which a sheet of paper is folded 8 times to be a book) and the recto side of each page is left blank so that readers can write down their memos. As a matter of fact, the pages of this book are filled with notes that seem to be Ishizu's. The author was transferred from Tohoku Gakuin University to Tohoku University in 1951, and is now a professor emeritus. (Ishizu collection)
- Miyake, Hitoshi Vol. 5" (Shugendo ni okeru shukyogirei no kozo, Vol. 5), dissertation, February 1968 (In Japanese)
Miyake, Hitoshi "The study on the rites in Shugendo" (Shugendo girei no kenkyu), Shunju-sha, 1970 (In Japanese)
The facsimile of the chapter 6 of his dissertation (pp. 1252-1508) shows that he employed 400-character manuscript sheets of Keio University and it seems that Ishizu used the facsimile when he judged the dissertation after he was transferred to Keio University. The paper was revised and published as Shugendo girei no kenkyu 'The study on the rites in Shugendo' two years later. This book is dedicated to the library with the author's autograph and included in Ishizu collection. (Ishizu collection)
3. Ito collection displayed on the fourth permanent exhibition
- Ito, Nobuo "Report on the Research into the Ruins of Tagajo Vol. 1 - the Ruins of Tagajo Temple", (Tagajo-seki chosa hokokusho I -Tgajo hai-ji ato) The board of education in Miyagi Prefecture and Tagajo town, 1969 (In Japanese)
The ruins of Tagajo temple belonged to Tagajo, which was the ancient Mutsu-Kokufu (the government of Mutsu: now Tohoku district), and its characteristic is similar to that of Kanzenonn-Ji temple, which belonged to Dazaifu (the large public office which governed the whole of Kyushu) in Kyushu. Ito carried out extensive research from 1961 to 1968 and elucidated the characteristic of Tagajo temple and the transition of its disposition of 'Garan' from its construction until the temple was burned down. This book, as well as his "Ruin of Mutsu Kokubunji Temple" (in Japanese), is one of the representative works on ancient history of Tohoku region by Nobuo Ito, Emeritus Professor of Tohoku University. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo Report on the Research into Suyama kitchen midden in Hudodo village, Toda county, Miyagi, (Miyagi-ken Toda-gun Fudodo-mura Suyama Kaizuka Chosa Hokoku-sho), The department of investigation on Ou (Tohoku Provinces) historical materials, the faculty of law and literature, Tohoku Imperial University, 1940 (In Japanese)
Suyama kitchen midden in Kogota town, Miyagi prefecture, is a kitchen midden at the end of the early Jomon period (about 7000 years ago). The research by Emeritus Professor Ito elucidated the characteristics of the earthenware of the early Jomon period for the first time in Tohoku and found that the coastline was inland by 30 km from the current state. The book was epoch-making as a scholarly book on archeology. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo The Relics of the Stone Age Excavated from Numazu Kitchen Midden, Collection of Archeological Documents Vol. 1-3, (Numazu-Kaiduka Shutsudo Sekki Jidai ibutsu, Koko-shiryo dai 1-3) Institute of Tohoku Culture, Faculty of Letters, Tohoku University, 1962-1964 (In Japanese)
Numazu kitchen midden in Ishinomaki city is one of the largest kitchen middens of the Jomon period in Tohoku region. The excavation carried out from the 20's of Meiji (1888-1898) to the 10's of Showa (1935-1944) unearthed a large amount of bone implements, earthenware, stone implements, earthen masks and clay figures. These documents introduce a lot of precious materials, all of which are designated as cultural heritage. (Vol. 2 and 3 are in Ito Collection, Vol. 1 is in the Department of Archeology, the Faculty of Arts and Letters)
- Ito, Nobuo (ed.) Zuiho-den, the Tomb and the Relics of Date Masamune (Zuiho-den Date Masamune no haka to sono ihin), Society for the reconstruction of Zuiho-den, 1979 (In Japanese)
This book is the survey on the excavation led by Emeritus Professor Ito of Zuiho-den, the mausoleum of Date Masamune who was the first load of the fief of Sendai domain. The book mainly contains the record of the excavation and the results of the research concerning archeology, geology, architecture and history. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo The Relics of a Goldmine in the Tempyo Period (Tempyo san-kin iseki) The board of education, Wakuya town, 1972 (In Japanese)
The precinct of Koganeyama Shrince (located at Kogane-hazama), where old tiles were excavated, was rumored to have been the goldmine whose gold was paid tribute to the Yamato government by Kudara-no-Konishiki Kyofuku who is the Kudara king's posterity (Kudara is ancient southern Korean country. At this time, Kudara was already ruined by Shiragi and Tang, his ancestor had defected to Japan: Yamato Goverment.), the Governor of Mutsu Province. But the excavation led by the office of archeology of Tohoku University, Faculty of Arts and Letters, confirmed that the precinct was a goldmine at that time. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo The Survey of the Horizontal Cave Tumulus of Zenno-ji Temple (Zenno-ji ouketsu-kofun-gun chosa-hokoku-sho), Sendai municipal board of education, 1968 (In Japanese)
The horizontal cave tumuli of Zenno-ji Temple are the ones built at the end of the Kofun (Ancient tomb) period and they were very precious relics to know the cultural development of the Tohoku region at that time. This book is the survey of the excavations led by professor Ito and others. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo The Tombs and the Relics of Date Tadamune at Kansen-den and of Date Tsunamune at Zenno-den (Kansen-den Date Tadamune Zenno-den Date Tsunamune no haka to sono ihin), Zuiho-den, 1985 (In Japanese)
This book is the survey of Kansen-den (the tomb of Date Tadamune, the second load of the fief of Sendai domain) and Zenno-den (the tomb of Date Tsunamune, the third load). The book mainly contains the records of the excavations and the results of the research on the historical and geographical environment. (Ito Collection)
- Ito, Nobuo The excavations of Ancient Tohoku (Kodai Tohoku hakkutsu), Gakusei-Sha, 1973 (In Japanese)
This book was written for the general readers about the results of the research the author had been engaged with. (Ito Collection)
4. Umehara collection displayed at the fourth permanent exhibition
- Petrie, Flinders Seventy Years of Archaeology, London, 1931
This book is the autobiography of an English archeologist Petrie (1853-1942), one of the founder of Egyptian Archeology. You can read about his background, the excavation of the various remains in Egypt and his study on Palestine in his later years along with the explication of the development of positivistic archeology. Kosaku Hamada, the mentor of Umehara and the first professor of archeology in Kyoto Imperial University, studied abroad under Petrie's instructions and had a great influence on the development of the Japanese archeology. (Umehara Collection)
- Steïs, V., (and Ethnikon archaiologikon mouseion) Mycenaean collection of the National Museum; illustrated guide. vol. 2, Athens, 1926
During his study abroad, Umehara carefully and strenuously observed collections stored in museums around Europe. Umehara Collection includes commentaries on hundreds of materials of Western museums. You can recognize Umehara's scribbles in this book which deals with Greek Bronze Civilization. (Umehara Collection)
- Leloi-Gourhan, André, La civilisation du Renne, Paris, c1936
André Leloi-Gourhan is one of the greatest prehistoric archeologist in France and especially famous for the study on the Paleolithic Age. This is his first book written at the age of 25. In general, he studied human culture concerning reindeers, e.g. Paleolithic art, the ethnography of the reindeer hunters and the nomadic tribes in North Eurasia. You can see the autography and the compliment of the author addressed to Umehara. (Umehara collection)
- Lord Avebury, Prehistoric Times: as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages, London, 1913
The author's old name is John Lubbock. In the first edition published in 1865, he divided the Stone Age into the Paleolithic Age when mankind coexisted with animals threatened with extinction and the Neolithic Age when people began to use whetted stone implements. This book is the seventh edition that was largely revised to adopt the results of the research carried out after the publication of the first edition. As the sub-title "as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages" suggests, archeology and ethnography were mixed in those days. (Umehara Collection)
- The British Museum, A guide to the fourth, fifth and sixth Egyptian rooms, and the coptic room. London, 1922
During his study abroad, Umehara carefully and strenuously observed collections stored in museums around Europe. Umehara Collection includes commentaries on hundreds of materials of Western museums. You can see Umehara’s scribble in this book, which explains 2800 documents stored in the gallery of Ancient Egypt. (Umehara Collection)
- Schliemann, Heinrich, Troy and its remains : a narrative of researches and discoveries made on the site of Ilium and in the Trojan plain. London, 1875
This is the survey of the research into the remains of Troy, which was excavated by Schliemann for the first time. The excavations of the remains on Hissarlik Hill in West Turkey carried out from 1871 to 1873 discovered remains of five generations. Schliemann identified the city of the second generation with the Troy described in Homer’s epic Iliad. (Umehara Collection)
- Lartet, Edouard and Christy, Henry Reliquiae aquitanicae : being contributions to the archaeology and palaeontology of Perigord and the adjoining provinces of southern France, London, 1875
The subtitle is “being contributions to the archaeology and palaeontology of Perigord and the adjoining provinces of southern France”. This book, one of epoch-making works published at the beginning of the study on the Paleolithic Age in Europe, is the survey of the research into the Cromagnon Cave where bones of Homo sapiens sapiens were discovered and the Les Eyzies area where famous remains concentrate. This book, defining the Paleolithic Age as ‘The Reindeer Age’, deals with stone implements and carved bone implements but the mural arts in caves were not yet discovered. (Umehara Collection)
- Childe, Gordon. The bronze age, Cambridge, 1930
This general survey of the European bronze age was written by Childe, a great English archeologist, when he was a professor in Edinburgh University. The author illustrates the culture of each part of Europe according to the current forms of the bronze implements in early, middle and late periods. Childe had a remarkable capacity for learning languages and is famous for his works treating the transmission and the social development of the European prehistoric culture including those of Central and Eastern Europe. (Umehara Collection)
5. Orui collection displayed at the fifth permanent exhibition
- The study of European and American history = Studi sulla storia occidentale = Rivista della societa di studi storia occidentale (Seiyo-shi kenkyu) the first issue, Fuzambo, June 20 1932 (in Japanese)
This is the first scholarly journal of the study on Western history in Japan. The journal was published at 70 sen an issue by a sales agent Fuzambo in Jimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo. It consisted of papers, reviews and the outlook for the Society of Western History and played the role of precursor in this discipline.Though the publication of Seiyoshi Kenkyu (The study of European and American history) was forced to stop a while during the War, the journal resumed to be published after the War and reached the 50th issue (the 23rd issue of the New series). The cover of the first issue is the world map of the 12-13th century stored in Paris Library. (Department of European and American history, Faculty of Arts and Letters)
- Orui, Noboru. A Culture of Western Middle Ages (Seiyo-Chusei no bunka) Fuzambo, 1925, 555 pages (in Japanese)
This book was published soon after the author was designated as a professor of the Faculty of Law and Letters, Tohoku Imperial University. Gathering the fruit of his study in Europe, Orui explains the politics, economy and society of the European Middle Age, as well as the religion, literature, arts in 12-13th century in especial and aims at grasping ‘the culture of the Middle Ages in general”. There are many figures and illustrations: (i) St. Petro (full color) in mosaic in Ravenna Abbey, North Italy, (ii) Church of Reims (black and white), and (iii) the life of the peasantry in the Middle Ages (full color) are contained as frontispieces. (Department of European and American history, Faculty of Arts and Letters)
- Orui, Noboru A Study of the Renaissance Culture (Runesansu Bunka no Kenkyu), Shimizu-Kobundo, supplementary edition, 1971, 471 pages
This is a corpus of the survey of Italian Renaissance. This book is the supplementary edition to the one published by Sanseido in 1938.Entering into Raphael, Dante and Machiavelli, who were the three pillars of Orui’s study on Renaissance, the author tries to define the significance of the whole Renaissance culture in the world history. Madonna del granduca (Madonna col Bambino) by Raphael, who Orui regarded exemplifies the harmonious spirit in the Renaissance period, is used as the first frontispiece. (Department of European and American history, Faculty of Arts and Letters)
- Dante, Aeghielli Divina Comedia ‘Divine Comedy’, Torino, 1936
This is the Part 1 of Dante’s Divine Comedy (Divina Comedia), the Inferno, used by Orui. Dante (1265-1321), one of the great poets in the Renaissance period, was born in Florence (Italian: Firenze). He described his ideal in politics in The Monarchy (De Monarchia) (1310-12). Though Dante was designated as one of the six chiefs (priore) of Florence, he was ostracized from the city as a result of political conflicts and died in Ravenna. Orui tried to illuminate the characteristics of the worldview in the Middle Age current in Dante. (Orui Collection)
- Francesco, Petrarca Works, Bern, 1610
This book, one of the precious antiques purchased by Orui during his study abroad, is the work by Petrarca (1304-74), Italian humanist. This work, published in Bern, Switzerland, consists of two volumes bound in parchment. Petrarca is famous as one of the representative poets in the Renaissance period with Dante. The title of the second volume on the title page is ‘De Vita Solitaria: The life of solitude ’. (Orui Collection)
6. Kano Collection displayed at the fifth permanent exhibition
- Soami Kundaikan Sauchoki, facsimile of a manuscript made in 1559 (In Japanese)
This is a manual of the decoration for Zashiki (Japanese-style room) written by Dohoshu (priests specialized in literature and art) in the Ashikaga Bakufu (Muromachi period). You can read about the way Zashiki, a living place unique to Japan, was constructed by absorbing the elements of the advanced Chinese culture. This book is regarded to have created a basis of Japanese aesthetic sense. Since the original manuscript have not been found, this version collected in Kano Collection is considered as the oldest and, as a material, the most valuable manuscript in existence. (Kano Collection)
- A Pictorial Edo Map (E-iri Edo Oezu), Edo Hyoshiya Shirobe, 1684 (In Japanese)
Most maps made in the Early Modern times were large-sized ones. Small-sized portable maps and loose maps were created later The survey map of Edo was made by Doin Tochika and published by Kyosiya in 1670 for the first time, followed by other versions by Shirobe Nakamura, Yoshinaga Hayashi. This map, published by Hyoshiya, has the composition similar to the one adopted in the maps published by Yoshinaga Hayashi or others, continued to be printed up until the last year of the Jokyo period (1684-88). The map describes the scene of the castle town, of which Bukechi (the land owned by the samurai class) occupies 60 percent, and indicates the location of Hiyokechi (places protected from the sun) and Hirokoji (wide avenue) which were constructed after the Meireki Taika (the conflagration in the Meireki period (1655-1658)). (Kano Collection)
- Inoue, Kazuo Shomotsu Sangen, Shomotu-tembo-sha, 1939 (In Japanese)
This book was presented to Kokichi Kano by the author. It deals with bibliography, the history of Ukiyoe (Japanese print) and the history of the Meiji culture. (Kano Collection)
- Komiya, Toyotaka The Art of Soseki (Soseki no Geijutsu), Iwanami books, 1942 (In Japanese)
This book was presented to Kokichi Kano by Toyotaka Komiya. It is a collection of the author’s comments appended to The Complete Works of Soseki (Soseki Zenshu). (Kano Collection)
- The Mathematical and Physical Society of Tokyo (Tokyo Sugaku Butsuri Gakkai) ed. General Lectures on Japanese Mathematics (Honcho Sugaku Tsuzoku Koen-shu), Dai-nihon-tosho, 1908 (In Japanese)
It is a collection of the notes of the lectures carried out in honor of the 200th anniversary of Takakazu Seki’s death. The lecture by Kokichi Kano is included too.
- Kano, Kokichi and Iwakami, Hogai ed. The Encyclopedia of calligraphic works’ and paintings’ seals Vol. 1 (Shoga Impu Rakkan Taizen 1), Bukyosha, 1931 (In Japanese)
This book was edited by Kokichi Kano, who was an antiquary and an advocate for establishing a scientific judgment and registration of calligraphic works and paintings, and Hogai Iwakata, a scholar of calligraphic works and paintings. It includes “The judgment on calligraphic works and paintings, especially about the function of signs and seals (In Japanese: Sho-ga no kantei tokuni rakkan-innsho no koyo ni tsuite) ”.
7. Kinoshita Collection displayed at the fifth permanent exhibition
- Tamanoi, Yoshiro (supervision and trans.)The works and correspondence of David Ricardo, Vol.4: Pamphlets 1815-1823, Yusho-do Books, 1970 (In Japanese translated)
This book is a translation of volume 4 of The works and correspondence of David Ricardo by Sraffa (Piero Sraffa, 1898-1983) after the WWⅡ. Though the plan to publish The works and correspondence was suggested by Keynes in 1930, it was only after the war that the publication of ten volumes was completed. The translation project in Japan was led by Tsuneo Hori and accomplished in 1970. Volume 4: Pamphlets 1815-1823, which is a collection of the papers written by Ricardo in his late years (1815-23), is supervised by Yoshiro Tamanoi. Kinoshita took charge of the translation of two papers on agriculture: “An essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock, 1815 (In Japanese: Kokumotsu no tei-kakaku ga shihon no rijyun ni oyobosu eikyo ni tsuite no shi-ron)” and “On protection to agriculture (In Japanese: Nogyo-hogo ?ron)”. But Kinoshita’s translation had already been published as Encyclopedia of world thought (In Japanese: Sekai dai shisou zenshu), Vol. 63 in prewar 1932.
- Kinoshita, Akira Structure of Japanese Agriculture (Nippon Nogyo Kozo Ron), Nihon Hyoronsha, 1945 (In Japanese)
Kinoshita, Akira Structure of Japanese Agriculture, New Edition, (Shintei Nihon Nogyo Kozo Ron ) Nihon Hyoronsha, 1955 (In Japanese)
Kinoshita studied aiming at illuminating the problematic of Japanese agriculture and its potential for development. Among his surveys on agriculture, this work collects his papers on the problems related to agriculture excluding those on the Nago system in the Tohoku region. You can see the first edition in the version published in 1949. Chapters 1-3 deal with the structural problem of Japanese Agriculture: it is mainly composed of rice farming, which needs vast land, but has only small area of land in reality. Chapter 4 analyses the structure of “advanced sector of agriculture” which is based on citrus agriculture and has a potential of commercial development. (Kinoshita Collection)
- Kinoshita, Akira Survey of the actual condition of the economy in mountain villages (Analysis of the market around Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture) [Sanson Keizai Jittai Chousa-sho (Sendai wo chushin to suru Miyagi-ken shijo no bunseki)], 1955 (In Japanese)
Kinoshita, Akira The Analysis and actual condition of the distribution structure of charcoal (Mokutan Ryutsu Kikou no Jittai to Bunseki), 1958 (In Japanese)
In the late 1950’s, the Forestry Agency set up the Society of Researchers on the History of Forestry Development and carried out a large-scale investigation into the history of forestry. Participating in the investigation, Kinoshita researched and studied on the production and distribution of charcoal in the Tohoku region. These two booklets are parts of his accomplishments. (Kinoshita Collection)
- Kinoshita, Akira The Structure of Nago System and its Collapse (Nago Isei no Kozo to sono Hokai), Ochanomizu shobo, 1979 (In Japanese)
This work organizes Kinoshita’s study on the Nago system and was awarded Japan Academy prize in 1978. Nago system, in which farmers were placed in a subordinate position to masters, survived widely in the mountain area of Tohoku region up until WWⅡ and was regarded as a symbol of ‘persisting feudalism’ in the prewar controversy over Japanese capitalism. This work is a demonstrative research on the persistence, formation and process of the collapse of the old Nago system especially in the area of the former Nambu domain in Tohoku region. Of all others, the Haruyama family in Ono Village, Kunohe County, Iwate Prefecture, which is analyzed in part three of this book as a focus of his analysis of the Nago system, also appears as a case of yoeki (volunteer work done by the farmers for their masters) in Seitaro Yamada’s Analysis of Japanese Capitalism (In Japanese: Nippon shihon-shugi bunseki). The documents of the Haruyama family are now stored in Tohoku University Library. (Kinoshita Collection)
8. Kushida Collection displayed at the sixth permanent exhibition
- Proceedings of the International Working Association (First International 1864 - 1876),] facsimile
The First International is the first international organization of laborers. This material is a facsimile of the original proceedings from the Central Council of the organization. Since 1938, the original proceedings have been preserved in the Amsterdam International Institute of Social History. This facsimile was made before 1938. It is unclear when the facsimile was made and how Kushida acquired it. On page 15, there appear the proceedings on November 29th 1864. It goes without saying that “Dr. Marx” in the fourteenth line is Karl Marx, the author of Das Kapital (The Capital). You can find an article in the lower part of this page. This is the compliments from the Central Council of the organization to Abraham Lincoln commemorating his reelection (in the 169th issue of Bee-Hive on January 7 1865). (Kusida Collection)
- Marx, Karl Das Kapital vol.2:“Der Zirkulationsprozes des Kapitals”, first edition, 1885
Tamizo Kushida traveled in Europe from October 1920 to August 1922 in order to purchase books in European languages that are to be used at the Ohara Institute for Social Research. This material is the second volume of Marx’s Das Kapital (The Capital), first edition, which Kushida bought at a secondhand bookshop himself when he visited Prague (the note “Plag” on the endpaper seems to be a mistaken transcription of “Prag”) in September 1921. At present, the twelfth and thirteenth volumes of the second part “Das Kapital and preparatory works” of the New MEGA (Zweite Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe / New Complete Works of Marx and Engels, 114 volumes) are being edited mainly by the Graduate School of Economics and Management in Tohoku University by request of Internationale Marx-Engels Stiftung (International Marx-Engels Foundation in Amsterdam). As the thirteenth volume is planed to include the first edition of the second volume of Das Kapital (1885), this volume formerly possessed by Kusida will be used as the original. (Kushida Collection)
- Kawakami, Hajime Historical Development of Capitalistic Economics (Shihon-shugi Keizai-gaku no Shi-teki Hatten) 21st edition, Kobun-do, 1923 (In Japanese)
This book organizes the studies on history of economics produced by Hajime Kawakami (1879 - 1946) who played a major role in the introduction and distribution of Marxism in prewar Japan. Though it was a large and expensive scholarly book, it counted twenty editions in so short a period of about a year and a half. Kawakami was the mentor of Tamizo Kushida during his study in Kyoto Imperial University. In 1922, the following year to the publication of the first edition of the book, Kusida contributed an essay “Is Socialism faced with darkness or light? (In Japanese: Shakai-shugi ha yami ni mensuruka hikari ni mensuruka?)” to a journal Kaizo and harshly criticized the fundamental thought current in the book. Kawakami accepted his criticism and decided to criticize his own thought. This material is a presentation copy dedicated to Kushida by Kawakami. Later, Kawakami resigned from the post in Kyoto Imperial University and entered Japan Communist Party (Nihon Kyosan-to) and participated in their underground activities. In those days, Kawakami took refuge in Kushida’s house, escaping the pursuit of the authority. In return for Kushida’s help at his risk, Kawakami presented him Das Kapital in French version. The original of Das Kapital in French version was a presentation copy dedicated to C. Pascal by Marx, which Tsuneo Hori (1896 - 1981), disciple of Kawakami and one of the founders of the Faculty of Law and Literature in Tohoku Imperial University, had purchased for the Faculty when he went to England shortly after Kushida and, after his return, had dedicated to Kawakami in commemoration. The original material was presented to the Tohoku University Library and now stored in the rare book room. (Kushida Collection)
- Misere de la Philosophie. Reponse a la Philosophie de la Misere de M. Proudhon. 1847, facsimile, Aoki shoten, 1982
This material is the facsimile of Karl Marx’s Misere de la Philosophie (The poverty of philosophy) used by the author himself and the most famous material in Kushida Collection. The original is stored in the rare book room of Tohoku University Library. Kushida acquired the original at Bibliothek der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (Deutschelands). According to his widow, before his death, Kushida used to put on his desk Das Kapital (The Capital) in French version with the autograph of Marx dedicated by Kawakami. But she had never heard of this book used by Marx. After his early death, Tohoku University purchased many books formerly possessed by Kushida including this book. But the catalog made soon after the purchase did not mention the fact that this book was used by Marx and treated the book normally as a copy of the first edition of Misere de la Philosophie. It was only after the war was over and people got freedom to read books related to Marx that this book was identified as the one used by Marx at Tohoku University. This facsimile version was edited and published in 1982 by Kikuji Tanaka, an emeritus professor in Tohoku University, who identified this book as the one used by Marx for the first time “around 1950”. He attached comments on the background of the book and interpretations of Marx’s notes and trying to reproduce the original with fidelity. (Kushida Collection)
- Morito, Tatsuo Thought and Strife (Shiso to Toso), Kaizosha, 1923 (In Japanese)
After his graduation from Kyoto Imperial University, Tamizo Kushida worked consecutively for Osaka Asahi Shimbun publishing company and at Doshisha University and got a post as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics in the Tokyo Imperial University. Soon after he took up his new post, so-called Morito Incident occurred. Tatsuo Morito (1888 ? 1984. After the war, he was consecutively the Minister of Education, the President of Hiroshima University and the Chairman of the Central Council of Education) contributed an essay titled “Study on Kropotkin’s Socialism (In Japanese: Kropotokin no shakai-shiso no kenkyu)”to the first issue of The Journal of economic studies (In Japanese: Keizaigaku Kenkyu, a faculty journal, published in December 1919). Super-nationalists and right wing thinkers such as Aritomo Yamagata condemned the essay to the effect that it is damnable that a teacher working for an imperial university should publish the doctrine of anarchistic communism in a faculty journal. Morito and Hyoe Ouchi, titular of the publication of the faculty journal, were accused of sabotaging the authority and both were judged guilty in the court. As the first issue of the journal included a part of Kushida’s translation of The Communist Manifesto / Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, Kushida, who was watching the incident with discomfort, resigned from the post of a lecturer. This resignation also meant his protest against the decision of the Committee of Professors (the Faculty of Economy) in Tokyo Imperial University to suspend Morito and Ouchi before the judgment was ruled to them. This book is a presentation copy dedicated to Kushida by Morita. (Kushida Collection)
9. Kono Collection displayed at the sixth permanent exhibition
- Les OEuvres de Monsieur de Moliere, Denys Thierry, Claude Barbin et Pierre Trabouillet. 1682.
This is a collection of the works of Moliere (1622 - 1673), a playwright of comedy in French classic period. Published twenty years after the author’s death, this is a very rare book. Professor Kono took Moliere as a subject of his lecture on French literature before the war. It is said that Kono presented his profound knowledge so extensively that he failed to complete his lecture within his term that lasted more than two years. (Kono Collection)
- Jules Romains, Les hommes de bonne volonte, Flammarion, coll. 1958.
A roman-fleuve, Les homme de bonne volonte (1932 - 47), was written by Jules Romains (1885 - 1972), a twentieth century French novelist. In his late years, though he suffered from chronic tracheitis, Kono is said to have eagerly read the complete works of Tolstoy and Dostoevski, which he had already read many times, on his bed. It is probable that he would often read this book with a note that it was purchased at Maruzen on September 3 1968. There is a surprising amount of the works of Romains in Kono Collection. (Kono Collection)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von. Kono, Yoichi trans. into Japanese Discours de metaphysique (Discourse on metaphysics), 1925
It consists of "Discours de metaphysique" and "Correspondence avec (with) Arnauld".It is said that Kitaro Nishida, who had recognized the significance of those works, persuaded Yoicni Kono to translate them.
- Rongen, Ole Bjørn. Kono, Yoichi trans. into Japanese Bergtatt I Risehola (Olaf and the Echoing Cave), 1955
Rongen is a Norwegian writer. The original of this book was published in 1954 and awarded as the best juvenile book. This book was dedicated by Yoichi Kono to Toyotaka Komiya (the Fifth Director of the Tohoku Imperial University Library), who was a favorite disciple of Soseki's.
- Reminiscence of Yoichi and Tama Kono (Kaiso Kono Yoichi Tama),the Association of Publication of Reminiscence of Professor Kono, 1986 (In Japanese)
It is a collection of essays written by Kono's associates and relatives and people related to Iwanami Books after the deaths of Yoichi Kono and his wife, Tama, who graduated from the Faculty of Law and Literature in the Tohoku Imperial University. Each writer of the essays "wrote candidly as one felt" in commemoration of Kono and his wife's deaths and reminds the readers of their personalities.
10. Kojima Collection displayed at the seventh permanent exhibition
- Theodor Lipps, Aesthetik: Psychologie des Schoenen und der Kunst, 1er Teil. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1903.
Lipps is a German philosopher and psychologist and know to complete the aesthetics based on "Einfühlung" (sympathy) and this book is one of his representative works. The fact that Kojima was profoundly interested in the theory of aesthetic sympathy, which was one of the major currents of European aesthetics in those days, can be seen in various parts of his philosophical essays. Especially in his study on the concept of "aesthetic contemplation" in Bijutsu Gaironn" (Introduction to Art), Kojima expands his argument largely based on Lipps' theory. (Kojima Collection)
- Ernst Cassirer, Kants Leben und Lehre. Berlin, 1918.
In the early years in his study in Europe since 1921, Kojima stayed in Hamburg and frequented the newly established Warburg Institute (now in London). It is well known that New Kantian philosopher Cassirer also praised the institute and frequently made use of it. Kojima attended to Cassirer's class at the Hamburg University and listened with deep interest to his lecture on Kantian philosophy and epistemology. This book was published in 1918 as a supplement to the complete works of Kant edited by Cassirer. It is unique that among his three Critiques, Critique of Judgment (Kritik der Urteilskraft), which deals with problems of aesthetics, is regarded as the apex of Kant's philosophical theory. Notes on the pages indicate that Kojima carefully read this chapter closely related to the subject of his own. As a matter of fact, later in his essay, he mentions: "His [Kant's] internal life and his powerful capacity of thinking is marvelous. Compared with him, later scholars of aesthetics are quite naïve." (Sculpture of the Tempyo period and its Mode (Tempyo Chokoku to Yoshiki Mondai)) (Kojima Collection)
- Adolfo Venturi, Leonardo da Vinci Pittore. Bologna, 1920.
Kojima was good at rough drawing and habitually drew copies with pen in the margins left blank around the illustrations of his books. This book is an essay on Leonardo da Vinci written by Adolfo Venturi, a magnate of the field of Italian art history and there are notes for study written down by Kojima around the illustration of Sant'Anna, la Madonna e il Bambino con l'agnllo (The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne),which is collected in Louvre Museum in Paris. Kojima was fascinated by this picture of Leonardo's all his life and a part of his accomplishment can be seen in his unfinished essay "Santa Anna metterza (Louvre)" (included in Study on Leonardo (Reonarudo Kenkyu)). (Kojima Collection)
- Eugene Muentz, Leonard de Vinci. Paris, 1899.
This book was purchased by Kojima during his study abroad in Paris in 1921. There appears a sketched rough map of the area around Vinci, Leonardo's hometown. As Kojima visited the village on his friend's car from a small town Empoli, Toscana, the map might have been sketched on from his memory of this occasion. He later describes the scene he witnessed then: "The road stretches, traversing Empoli, and, going along the shore of the River Arno, one side of which is flanked by beautiful poplars, turns to the right…the sight of yellow leaves reflecting the sunshine among argent olives was very beautiful." (Japanese Scholar in Italy, "Itari no Nihon-gakusha")(Kojima Collection)
- Wilhelm von Bode, Sandro Botticelli. Berlin, 1922.
In the tome appears an autography of the author. During his stay in Europe as a student, Kojima studied under the instruction of Wilhelm von Bode, the former director of the Berlin Museum and a founder of Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (the Institute of the German Art History in Florence). Bode established the prestige of art museums in society with his acute critical observation and powerful administrative capability and is regarded as a magnate who established the bases of the present Berlin Museum. Bode presented to Tohoku University the book, which contains new and important information for the study on the works of Botticelli, with a comment on his connection with Kojima. (The Department of Art History, the Faculty of Arts and Letters)
- Kojima, Kikuo. Greek Scissors (Girishia no hasami), 1942 (In Japanese)
It is a collection of short essays published in 1942. It includes a short essay, Pictures on Greek earthenwares (Girishia no Tokiga),which introduces the history of the pictures on Greek earthenwares, and its cover was designed by Kojima himself. In a wide range of his study, Kojima studied Greek classic art the most energetically, except for the Renaissance art. In addition, this book includes many of his reviews of exhibitions contributed to newspapers and magazines. These reviews show his side as an acute critic. (Stack of the Main Library)
- Collected Pictures by Kikuo Kojima (Kojima Kikuo Ga-shu), 1987 (In Japanese)
As well as an erudite scholar of art history, Kojima was a great sketcher. He learned watercolor under Katsumi Miyake and etching under Bernard Leech, who had just arrived in Japan, and won a prize in the first Nika-ten competition in 1914. Designing the cover illustration of the literary coterie magazine (Shira-kaba) as a coterie and beginning to paint Japanese paintings when he was an associate professor at the Tohoku Imperial University, Kojima was absorbed in learning a wide range of techniques in painting all his life. Based on his accurate sketch, Kojima's pictures exceeded the level of amateurs and surprised professional painters and critics. This collection was published by his relatives and disciples in honor of his 100th anniversary and introduces Kojima's paintings and his notebooks with his sketches. (Stack of the Main Library)
11. Sunaga Collection displayed at the seventh permanent exhibition
- Sunaga, Shigemitsu Lecture on the Theory of Technology (Gijutsuron Kougi), Chuo Print, 1967 (In Japanese)
The theory of technology was Sunaga's lifework and this book succinctly organizes the contents to be taught in one-year lecture. In this book, Sunaga describes the transition of the technological principles, illuminating the social and economic significances of technologies, particularly the technologies employed in basic industry, at each stage of historical development. (Sunaga Collection)
- Sunaga, Shigemitu Theory of Agricultural Technology in Japan (Nihon Nogyo Gijutsuron), Ochanomizu Books, 1977 (In Japanese)
Sunaga's lifework was to logically demonstrate that the theory of technology in industry and that of agriculture are fundamentally different. This book, which is regarded as a corpus of his accomplishments, was published posthumously. Though most papers collected in the book had been planed to be and been nearly published before the end of the war but the restriction during the war prevented their publication. But the preface written a year before the publication shows that Sunaga persistently argued the same theory with confidence regardless of the war. (Stack of the Main Library)
- The Foundation for the Investigation into Agricultural Administration (Nosei-Chosa-Kai), The process of the concentration of lands by The Saito family, landlord of 1000 chobu (99170a.) and the land reform in their hometown, Maeyachi village (Sen Chobu Jinushi Saitoke no Tochi Shuseki Katei to sono Ison Maeyachi Mura no Nouchi Kaikaku), 1952 (In Japanese)
Sunaga was commissioned to write this survey by The Foundation for the investigation into Agricultural Administration. This book is one of his well-organized work on land reform among his several papers on the subject. Maeyachi village in Miyagi prefecture (present Maeyachi, Kanan Town, Monou County) is a typical farming village of the area characterized by its engagement in the rice pad monoculture in the Tohoku region and the land reform of the village gathered attention in those days. By the way, The Saito family established The Saito Gratitude Association (Saito Ho-on Kai), which aims at helping the development of research and industry and has made a large contribution to Tohoku University. (Sunaga Collection)
- Sunaga, Shigemitsu. Landlords and Peasants in Modern Japan' (Kindai Nihon to Jinushi to Nomin), Ochanomizu Books, 1996 (In Japanese)
As Sunaga is from Kogota Town in Miyagi Prefecture, which is in the rice pad monoculture area, he had been wondering why the peasants in the rich village like Kogota had to suffer from hard work and poverty. This book is the report of his group study on the agriculture based on rice pad monoculture seen in the case of Nango Village in Miyagi (present Nango Town in Toda County) and tries to demonstratively illuminate how rice agriculture adapts itself to the development of capitalistic economy in Japan. It was published with the subsidy for publication of academic research granted from the budget for 1965 of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education. (Sunaga Collection)
- The Records of the Committee for Structure of Agriculture (Nogyo Kozo Iinkai Kiroku), 1968-69 (In Japanese)
In December 1966, economists from seven prefectures in the Tohoku region organized the Tohoku Economic Federation (Tohoku Keizai Rengokai). Sunaga was commissioned by the Committee of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Federation to take charge of the committee which is to be engaged in the research particularly on the structure of agriculture from the viewpoint of a specialist. It is a collection of his documents consisted of mimeographed documents and his notes. (Sunaga Collection)
- Ouchi, Tsutomu. The Finance of Japanese Agriculture (Nihon Nogyo no Zaiseigaku) The Department of the Corporation of Tokyo University, 1950 (In Japanese)
Tsutomu Ouchi is a representative figure of Tokyo University Marxist economist school and he illuminated the problems concerning agriculture on the basis of the theory of Kozo Uno. This material was presented to him by Kazuo Kawagoe of Hachi Shobo on 1. Jan. of the following year of its publication. (Sunaga Collection)
- Minobe, Tatsukichi. The Essentials of the Constitution (Kempo Satsuyo), the 14th impression of the 4th edition, Yuhikaku, 1929 (In Japanese)
It is one of Tatsukichi Minobe's (1873 - 1948) major works. The author was a professor in Tokyo Imperial University and the authority of admisistrative laws. His doctrine that the Emperor is an institution was censured by the right wing in 1935 and, as a result, this book was banned. There are many of Sunaga's notes particularly in 'Chapter 5, Imperial Diet' of this material. (Sunaga Collection)
- Sugimoto, Hisashi. Study on Admission to Forests and Fields (Rinya Iriaiken no Kenkyu), Nihon Hyoronsha, 1960 (In Japanese)
This material was presented from the author. There is inserted a note written by Akira Kinoshita (1903 - 82), a professor of the Department of Economics, saying: "I have brought you his book I received when Hisashi Sugimoto of Hukui University arrived in Sendai recently". (Sunaga Collection)
- The Proceedings of the Miyagi Parliament (Miyagi-Ken-kai Gijiroku), 1879 (In Japanese)
According to the colophon, Sunaga received this material when a part of the book was found in the house of Hitoshi Kimura in Nigo, Nango village (present Nigo, Nango town, Toda county) in 1949 and rebound the material to prevent further deterioration. (Sunaga Collection)
- Bulletin of the Institute for Agricultural Research, Tohoku University, v.23(1), 1971 (In Japanese)
It is the issue commemorating the forced retirement of Professor Shigemitsu Sunaga. (The Stack of Main Library)
12. Takayanagi Collection displayed at the eighth permanent exhibition
- Shinzo, Takayanagi The Refom of the Family Law in the Early Stage of the Meiji Period (Meiji Zenki Kazokuho no Shinsou), Yuhikaku, 1987 (In Japanese)
Takayanagi published papers on the family law of the Edo period and the first stage of the Meiji period at a rate of two papers every ten years from 1927 when he took office as a associate professor in Tohoku Imperial University to his departure to study in Europe and U.S. This book is a collection of these papers. Although the Meiji period was not regarded as a subject of the study on the history of Japanese law in the beginning of the Showa period, Takayanagi solely made an honorable accomplishment in the field with a firm confidence in the need of the research into the history of the Meiji law system and, at last, succeeded in establishing it as one of the subjects of academic study. (The Stack of Main Library)
- Takayanagi, Shinzo Commentary on the Crime and the Punishment in the Edo Period (Edo Jidai no Tsumi to Keibatsu Shosetsu), Yuhikaku, 1988 (In Japanese)
After Takayanagi returned to Japan from his study abroad in 1939, he changed his subject and published papers concerning the penal laws in the Edo period. This book is a collection of these papers. This book, as well as The Refom of the Family Law in the Early Stage of the Meiji Period, is regarded as a book the young students who want to study this field must read. (The Stack of Main Library)
- Takayanagi, Shinzo and Ishi, Ryosuke ed. Corpus of the Statutes of the Edo Government (Ohuregaki Shusei), 5 vols., Iwanami Books, 1934 - 1937 (In Japanese)
It is a collection of the statutes issued by Edo Shogunate. The book was published after careful corrections and is regarded as the most reliable source book. It is still highly praised as a basic source book to be used by both scholars of law history and those of the Edo period. (Takayanagi Collection)
- Permission to exploit Moniwa Village (Moniwa Mura Kaihatsu Kyokajo), September 14th 1671 (In Japanese)
It is the permission given by the landlord to Kizaemon who was the village head of the Moniwa Village (included in present Taihaku Ward, Sendai city) and allows him to exploit the village. (Takayanagi Collection)
- Collection of Regional Penal Laws (Gokakushikicho), November 1703 (In Japanese)
It is a basic document of the penal laws enforced in Sendai domain. The laws have a tendency to deprive superior vassals of the right to punish and to concentrate the authority upon the load of the domain. (Takayanagi Collection)
- Divorce Letter (Rien-jo), August 26 1799 (In Japanese)
Chushichi Shinagawaya in Yosioka town (included in present Taiwa town, Kurokawa county, Miyagi prefecture) accepted his son Jinsaburo's divorce and sent this letter to his wife's family. It employs a different form from the one usually employed in divorce letters, so called 'Mikudarihan' (words of three lines and a half). (Takayanagi Collection)
- Kosakunin-Gitei-Torikiwame-no-Koto, October 1866
It is the resolution issued in the meeting of the peasants in Shukurenji village (present Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture). They discussed the way to deal with 'wind troubles' (seemingly the damage caused by a typhoon) and decided to keep the matter secret. They employed 'Karakasa Rempan', a way of signing in the shape of a Chinese umbrella, to obfuscate led the meeting. (Takayanagi Collection)
- Certificate of Property in Land after the Reform of Land Tax (Kaisei Chiken), October 29 1876
They are 'Chikens', certificates that notify property in land and tax obligation found in Matsusima Town, Miyagi Prefecture. (The certificates issued after the reform ('kaisei) of land tax law in 1873 are called 'Kaisei Chiken') (Takayanagi Collection)
13. Nakano Collection displayed at the eighth permanent exhibition
- Nakano, Tadashi The Value-Form Theory (Kachi Keitai Ron), (Nakano Tadashi Cyosaku Shu Dai 1 Kan), Nihon Hyoronsha, 1987 (first edition, 1958) (In Japanese)
The first edition of this book, which is regarded as the most representative work of Nakano's, was published in 1958. It is said that the work is one of the books that had a great influence upon the young researchers in those days and the significance of the work is immense today. In this book, Nakano critically argues about the value-form theory described in Marx's The Capital and, by reviewing the previous theories criticized by Marx in his 'Criticism of Economics', he makes his critique distinct from that of Marx's. In addition, he characterizes capitalism as 'a thing which generates' and illuminates it by making use of Aristotle's theory of 'Coming-to-be' and Hegel's dialectic. (Main Library)
- 'Letters' (Shokanshu), The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, vols. 6-9 (David Ricardo Zenshu Dai 6-9 Kan), Yushodo Books, 1970-1975 (translated into Japanese)
It was an epoch-making event in the literature on economics around the world that the publication of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, ten volumes, edited by Piero Sraffa, was started in 1951. Here in Japan, appointing Tsuneo Hori as a chairman, Tadashi Nakano and Toshiro Sugimoto as executives, the Committee for the Publication of The Complete Works of Recardo in Japanese was organized in 1955. But the preparation for the publication was delayed for several reasons and it was not until 1965 that the publication started. Nakano took charge of a supervisor of translation of Letters, the volumes 6-9 of the Complete Works. (Main Library)
- The Works and correspondence of David Ricardo, vols. 6-9. Letters. Edited by Piero Sraffa ; with the collaboration of M.H. Dobb. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge University Press, 1952.
These books are the originals of Lettes of David Ricardo (volumes 6-9 of The Works) of which Nakano was a supervisor of translation into Japanese. There are many underlines and notes and inserted 'Comment on the publication of The Works and correspondence of David Ricardo in Japanese', which was printed in advance of the publication the Works in Japanese. (Nakano Collection)
- Aristotelis opera ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri ; edidit Academia Regia Borussica.- Editio altera quam curavit Olof Gigon. - Berolini : Apud W. de Gruyter 1960-1961.
It is a reprint of the complete works of Aristotle called Berlin Academy edition (or Bekker edition). Though the original was published in 1831, it is still regarded as a standard edition and it is an established custom to quote Aristotle with the page numbers of this edition. In his work The Value-Form Theory, Nakano tried to illuminate the logical structure of the theory of value form on the basis of Aristotle's theory of 'Coming-to-be' and Hegel's dialectic. (Nakano Collection, Main Library)
- Samtliche Werke. Bd.2,4-5,8-10. Jublaumsausgabe in 20 Banden. Hrsg. von Hermann Glockner. - Stuttgart : Frommann 1949-1958.
In his representative work The Value-Form Theory, Nakano tried to illuminate the logical structure of the theory of value form on the basis of Aristotle's theory of 'Coming-to-be' and Hegel's dialectic. Among the volumes of Glockner's edition of Complete Works of Hegel in Nakano Collection, these volumes concern dialectic largely. His collection also includes Hoffmeister's and Suhrkamp's edition of complete works of Hegel. (Nakano Collection)
- Πλατωνοσ αηαντατασωζομενα= Platonis opera quae extant omnia ex nova Joannis Serrani interpretatione, perpetuis eiusdem notis illustrata: quibus & methodus & doctrinae summa breuiter & perspicue indicatur. Eiusdem annotationes in quosdam suae illius interpretationis locos ; Henr. Stephani de quorundam locorum interpretatione iudicium, & multorum contextus Graeci emendatio. - [Genevae?] Excudebat Henr. Stephanus , 1578.
Though the first complete works of Plato in original text printed in type was Aldus's edition in 1513, this edition by Stephanus in 1578 has become the standard edition. It has become custom that later editions or translations of Plato have page numbers and marks A-E attached to paragraphs which correspond to Stephanus's edition and quotations from Plato should have these numbers and marks to indicate from which work and where the words are quoted. Nakano was a first-rate book collector as well as an economist and famous for his wide knowledge about books such as classics. (Nakano Collection)
14. Nakamura Collection Displayed at the ninth permanent exhibition
- Various Writings of the Daijoin Temple (Daijoin Jisha Zojiki), 12 Vols., written and compiled by Tsuji, Zennosuke, Ushio Shobo, 1931-37(In Japanese, The Volumes 2-11 were published by Sankyo Shoin), (In Japanese)
It is a compilation of the diaries written by Jinson, Seikaku and Kyojin, who were the head priest of the Daijoin Temple that one of the Kofukuji Temples, and catalog of the diaries of Daijoin' which was made by Jinson by editing the excerpts of the diaries owned by Daijoin Temple. It is an important basic material concerning the politics, society, economy and culture around the Onin War of 1467. Thanks to Dr. Zennosuke Tsuji, Nakamura became a temporary worker for the Historiographical Institute the Tokyo Imperial University in 1931. In those days, almost no materials from the Middle Ages had been printed in type. But under the instructions of Tsuji, Nakamura and other young employees of the Institute agreed that historical materials should be shared by everybody and decided to edit this work. They carried out strict verifications of the original time and again and, after incurring much expense of publishers and printers because of surprising ten times of corrections, succeeded in publishing the work in 6 years. Nakamura left the editorial team to receive a post in Tohoku Imperial University when they were to edit 6th volume. (Nakamura Collection)
- Nakamura, Kichiji. Study on the Agricultural Administration in the Early Period of the Early Modern Times (Kinsei Shoki Noseishi Kenkyu), Iwanami Books, 1938 (In Japanese)
When Nakamura submitted his theme of his graduation thesis, he was asked if there is such a thing as history of peasants. Nevertheless, he submitted his thesis The Agricultural Administration in the Early Period of the Early Modern Times. Though, as seen in this anecdote, the theme was rare in those days, he continued to study on the subject and finally succeeded in publishing this work. In this work, Nakamura deals with the process of the restructuring in the early period of the Early Modern Times, paying attention to the side of agricultural administration. When it was published, the work was highly praised as the most demonstrative illuminating work on the problem of the agricultural administration of the early period of the Early Modern Times. (Nakamura Collection)
- Nakamura, Kichiji. History of Japanese Society (Nihon Shakaishi), Yuhikaku, 1952 (In Japanese)
'History of Society in Japan'. [/i] In this work, Nakamura illuminates the history of economy in Japan by analyzing their social relationship and organizes the whole picture of the Later in 1970, he published the new edition of this work to which he added the demonstrative research in Kemuriyama Village in Iwate Prefecture and Imai Village in Suwa Domain. In the new edition, Nakamura makes it clear that he continues to write the history of the structure of the society from the perspective of common people but he sees the structure of a society paying attention to its characteristic as a community. (Nakamura Collection)
- Historical analysis of a Village Community: Kemuriyama Village, Iwate Prefecture, (Sonraku Kozo no Shiteki Bunseki, Iwate Ken Kemuriyama Mura), written and edited by Nakamura, Kichiji, Nihon Hyoronsha, 1956 (In Japanese)
In this work, taking up the case of Matsunoki area of Kemuriyama Village in Iwate Prefecture (present Kemuriyama, Yahaba Town), Nakamura shows the result of his detailed demonstrative research. The work was aimed at expressing his opinion to the discussion over the 'village community theory', which was the most major topic in the academic society in those days. As the village community theory in those days, which tended to become too theory-oriented, was not sufficiently based on the actual situation, Nakamura's work had a strong influence on the academic society. It is regarded as a book that had made a great accomplishment in the history of the study on the history of Japanese economy. (Nakamura Collection)
- Nakamura, Kichiji et al. Study on a Feudal Farming Village in the Last Stage of Feudalism (Kaitai Ki Hoken Noson no Kenkyuu: Suwa Han Imai Mura), Sobunsha, 1962 (In Japanese)
This book contains a detailed, careful and thorough research and demonstrative analysis on the case of Imai Village (present Imai, Okaya city) near Suwa Lake in Nagano Prefecture. It can be seen as one of the researches of other village communities than Kemuriyama Village in Iwate Prefecture, on which Nakamura had researched, in preparation for a comparative study, using the result of Kemuriyama Village as a criterion. As he elucidates his demonstrative analyses, Nakamura extends his critical argument to other topics such as the one related to the discussion over the society under the Shogunate Domain System, which was current in the academic society in those days. (Nakamura Collection)
- Nakamura, Kichiji. The Source of Japanese Fudalism (Nihon Hokensei no Genryu), 2 Vols., Tosui Shobo, 1984 (In Japanese)
The themes of the book are the relation between the aristocrat and the family, the relation between the village and the family and the caste system based on these relations. Nakamura examines the way to illuminate the relationship among those three elements and to grasp it in the process of historical development from various viewpoints. Particularly, he pays attention to the development and the function of the duplicated structure seen in the relation between the family system and the aristocrat class in the Ancient Times and in the relation between the village and the family system in the Middle Ages. As Nakamura argues "medieval community, which began with the enforcement of 'Ritsuryo' (ancient laws), lasted until the Meiji period", his argument can be applied to no less than half of Japanese history and approach the structure of Japanese Society. In this sense, this work can be regarded as his grand theory of Japanese Society. (Nakamura Collection)
- Association for the Publication of the Collection of Essays in Honor of Professor Kichiji Nakamura's 60th Anniversary (Nakamura Kichiji Kyoju Kanreki Kinen Ronshu Kanko Kai) ed.Historical Analyses of Society: the Collection of Essays in Honor of Professor Kichiji Nakamura's 60th Anniversary (Kyodotai no Shiteki Kosatsu: Nakamura Kichiji Kyoju Kanreki Kinen Ronshu), Nihon Hyoronsha, 1965 (In Japanese)
This is the collection of essays published in honor of Nakamura's 60th anniversary on February 4th 1965. His disciples and associates amassed the results of the historical analyses of Japanese village communities and organized them into a collection. The authors contributing to anniversary collections used to make a point of participation and tended to write their papers not so seriously. But the papers included in the collection are written carefully to express their compliments on Nakamura's 60th anniversary. Nakamura had an academic characteristic very strict to himself: though Nakamura would take in the heritage left by previous scholars, he preserved his critical point of view and finally succeeded in establishing his original observation. The underlines and notes seen in the essays in the tome are the reminders of his character. (Nakamura Collection)
- Nakamura, Kichiji. The Way to Social History (Shakai shi e no Ayumi), 4 Vols. , Tosui Shobo, 1988 (In Japanese)
This selected works of Nakamura in four volumes was edited by Nakamura's disciples, who participated in the study on Kemuriyama Village, and the whole works constitute the answer he made throughout his career to the question: 'What is social history?'. Nakamura died on December 10th 1986. On that day, he was writing a manuscript at his desk since morning as usual. The manuscript was the one of which he used to say jokingly, "Could you publish it after I die?"; it was his memoir describing his recollection since his childhood. The memoir is included in volume 1 "Rokando Tsuiokuki" ("Recollection told in a room by an old and retired man") and volume 2 "Fifty Years in Academic Society". In addition, volume 2 includes his essays about the academic society and the universities he had associated with as a scholar at each stage of his life and the transcriptions of his words in round-table talks. Volume 3 "Essays about Social History" and volume 4 "The History of the Study on Social History" includes his papers on social history that had not been collected in a collection. Having a background as a student of economic history, Nakamura used to say that economical history would be completed as social history and he loved the tone of the word 'social history' because it sounds like the history of people. These were the reasons the collected works was titled The Way to Social History".(Nakamura Collection)
15. Bansui Collection Displayed at the ninth permanent exhibition
- Doi, Bansui. Tenchi Ujo, Hakubunkan, 1899
This is the first collection of Bansui's poems and the publication of the collection established his fame as high as that of Toson Shimazaki (1872-1943), the poet who wrote Wakana shu (1897) and it was said in poetry circles that the To-Ban (Toson and Bansui) period has arrived. In contrast to Toson's lyrical poetry, Bansui's works tend to be epics dealing with history and heros and highly praised by the readers who were experiencing an exaltation of nationalism after the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95). Bansui wanted to have his first book published by Hakubunkan but the publisher rejected his proposal. He was utterly depressed when his schoolmates, Tenzui Kubo (who graduated from Second Higher School in 1896) and Chogyu Takayama (who graduated from Second Higher School in 1893), sympathized with him and they persuaded Shintaro (Otowa) Ohashi, the person in charge of the publication department of Hakubunkan, to publish the book. (The stack of Main Library)
- Doi, Bansui. Anthology of Bansui (Bansui Shishu), expanded and revised edition, Hakubunkan, 1927 (In Japanese)
This is an anthology of Bansui's poem. The first edition published in 1919 included his first collection Tenchi Ujo(1897), his second collection Gyosho(1901) and his third collection Tokai Yushi Gin(1906). This expanded and revised edition includes his fourth collection Shakko (1919) and his fifth collection Tenma no Michi ni(1920) in addition. In this volume, there are not only dots and lines written down by Bansui himself but notes indicating revisions. It would be very valuable material when studying the poet Bansui. (Bansui Collection)
- Homer. Doi, Bansui (trans.). Iliad, Fuzambo, 1940
When he was twenty, Bansui read Homer's two great epics in English. He was quite impressed and, using the double translation edition (which contains literal and free translations) published by Hachette in France, began to translate Iliad from the original Greek into Japanese verse. During his study in Europe for three and a half years from 1901 to 1904, he bought as many books related to Homer as possible. He managed to publish a part of the translation in a magazine Chuo Koron with a title 'Iliad Sing Aloud - Conflicts in Heaven-', but he ended in giving up in the middle, faced with the difficulty of his project. In 1934, however, having retired as a professor in Second Higher School, he resumed the translation, taking advantage of his increased leisure, and in 1940, he succeeded in completing his translation that consists of about 15000 lines in verse like the original and had it published in honor of his 70th anniversary. Furthermore, he finally published his translation of the other of Homer's two great epics, Odyssey, in about 12000 lines in verse in 1917. Bansui was awarded the eight Culture Order for these lifeworks of his on November 3rd 1950 at the age of 80. Bansui was the first poet that received Culture Order. (The stack of Main Library)
- The Old and New Testament, Beikoku Seisho Kaisha, 1914
Bansui had three children between his wife, Yae, but lost his elder daughter, Teru, at the age of twenty-seven in 1932, his son Eichi at twenty-five in 1933 and his younger daugher at thirty-three in 1940. As his wife, Yae, also died from disease at seventy in 1948, in spite of the glory of his career, Bansui's later life was lonely one. This Bible is a relic of his elder daughter, Teru, who died at twenty-seven, and on the flyleaf of the material, there is a note saying (in English) "Teru Tsuchii / Miyagi JoGakko / Sendai Japan" in horizontal lines, and another note below saying (in Japanese) "This is the material Teruko used when she went to Miyagi Jogakko. At that time our family name was pronounced Tsuchii. Now it is pronounced Doi.", "This material should be preserved in my library forever" in vertical lines, which conveys Doi's desperate emotion. (Note: Miyagi Jogakko is the present Miyagi Gakuin Women's University. Bansui changed the pronunciation of his family name in 1932.) (Bansui Collection)
- Book of Songs (Shi Kyo / Shi Jing), Edo, Maekawa Rokuzaemon et al., 1747
Among the edition complied by Mao Heng (Mo Ryo) and Zheng Xuan (Jo Gen) of Han Dynasty in twenty books, five volumes, here are three tomes containing books 7-12, 13-16, 17-20 respectively. Notes about related matters in small characters and tags are the proofs that Bansui read these tomes carefully. (Bansui Collection)
- Buddhavatamsakanama-maha-vaipulya-sutra / Dafangguangfo-Huayanjing / Daiho Kobutsu Kegonkyo, 1740
Among the edition translated into Chinese by Shichanantuo (Jissa Nanda) of Tang in eighty books, this tome binds two volumes containing books 48-50 and 51-54 respectively. Bansui was interested in both Western and Eastern thought and seems to have had a particular interest in the systematic nature of the Kegon philosophy and read it carefully. (Bansui Collection)
- A. de Lamartine, Premières et nouvelles méditations poétiques, Paris, Hachette: Furne: Pagnerre, 1875
Bansui took the office of a professor at Second Higher School, his alma mater, in 1900 but, quitting the job, he left for Europe to study in June 1901. He studied English literature at University College, London from October 1901 to May 1902, French literature at Sorbonne University from January to April 1902 and German and English literature at Leipzig University from October 1902 to July 1903, then returned to Japan in November. This edition binds two collections of Lamartine's, a French romantic poet, Mèditations poétiques (Poetic Meditations)(1820) and Nouvelles mèditations poétiques (New Poetic Meditations) (1823) and he bought it in England on his way abroad. In August 1901, Bansui arrived in London and welcomed by Soseki, who was four years senior to him at the Department of English Literature of College of Letters in the Tokyo Imperial University. Bansui stayed with him in his flat and thanked him for his various instructions. In August 1902, he met Rentaro Taki (1879 - 1903), who composed a song 'Kojo no Tsuki' and was then on his way from Germany to Japan because of his illness, at a wharf near the estuary of the Thames for the first and the last time. (Bansui Collection)
- Hugo, Victor, Les Contemplations, dans Oeuvres complètes de Victor Hugo, Poesie, Paris, Hetzel : Maison Quantin, s.d.
(Hugo, Victor. The Contemplations in Complete Works of Victor Hugo, Poetry)
Bansui Collection contains many works of Hugo. Bansui regarded Hugo as an ideal poet on the ground that the universal themes concerning the whole mankind are at the core of his poetic world. The displayed part is a part of Chapter 5 of a long poem A Celle qui est restée en France (To a woman who remained in France) composed in 1855. In the poem, Hugo recollects his elder daughter Leopordine, who drowned at nineteen in 1843, and describes the process in which he achieves his unique religious world view through his desperate agony. The underlined parts are the parts where the poet expresses his deep grief, dejection and utter perturbation at the absurdity of the sudden death of his daughter and there is a note on the margin that reads "At dawn on July 24th 1933 I pray to God. / My only son, Eiichi, is seriously ill". Bansui must have compared his emotion before his son's serious illness to the lines of the poem. His son Eiichi dies in September 1933. Experiencing this heart-rending event after the death of his elder daughter, Teru, from disease, Bansui descended deeper into Hugo's world. (Bansui Collection)
16. Matsumoto Collection Displayed at the tenth permanent exhibition
- Series: Modern Psychology (Gendai Shinrigaku Taikei), 14 Vols., Kyoritsu Shuppan, 1956-1958, (In Japanese)
This series was edited by Matsumoto and published from 1956 to 1958. Its aim was to prevent psychology from being interpreted in a distorted form and to contribute to the correct development of psychology and the amelioration of the culture of Japan. Most of the contributors to the series were leading scholars who worked at Imperial Universities with academic tradition. The essays are carefully written and some essays present the results of their studies that had not been published yet. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Matsumoto, Kinju Where does Education Go?: Diagnosis on the Postwar Education (Kyoiku wa Dokoe: Sengo Kyoiku no Shindan), Kodansha, 1960, (In Japanese)
This work treats of education from the perspective of psychology. Matsumoto argues that, in postwar Japan, the education that respects individuals and aims at fostering people who cherish the truth and peace began gloriously, which Japanese people welcomed. But, Matsumoto goes on, no sooner fifteen years had passed after the war than the government, finding fault time and again, forced the new educational system to change; in addition, the people in charge of education got so concerned with the call for the new education as to go blind to the actual situation; and while the parents were bent on choosing schools for their children, the new education was fading away. Worried that the new education would evaporate soon if these situations continue, Matsumoto published this book as a diagnosis on the postwar education. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Sobieto Shinrigaku Kenkyukai Henshubu, 'Editorial Department of the Society of Soviet Psychology' (ed.) Soviet Psychology = Советская Психология (Sobieto Shinrigaku Kenkyu), the first issue, reprinted edition, 1965- (In Japanese)
It was not until after the war that Soviet psychology including educational psychology was introduced to Japan in an organized fashion. Matsumoto attended to the second congress of the Psychology Society of the Soviet in 1963, invited by the chairman of the society. Returning Japan, Matsumoto, with Kojiro Naito and Masatosi Sera, organized the Society of Soviet Psychology and took office of the chairman. This book is a reprinted edition of the journal of the Society. The displayed part is "the Catalog of Japanese Translations of Soviet Psychology" (issues 14-15) made by Matsumoto. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Matsumoto, Kinju Series: Handicapped Pupils (Tokshu Jido Socho), 5 Vols., Meiji Tosho, 1966 (In Japanese)
The Faculty of Education of Tohoku University has been deeply interested in the education of handicapped pupils since its foundation in 1949. In 1966, the university was the only one among national universities that provides courses on visual defects and audio-lingual defects in its graduate school curriculum and more than a hundred graduates had worked in the field related to the education of the handicapped. Matsumoto, who then was a professor of the Faculty of Education of the university, organized the results of the research carried out by these researchers and edited the series aiming at establishing the field of the education of the handicapped. Though the series was planned to be seven volumes, only five volumes was published. Until then, the series treating of such a subject had never been published in Japan. The displayed part is from Volume 3 Auditory Psychology (written by Kohei Sumi and Kinju Matsumoto) and there are many notes scribbled by Matsumoto. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Matsumoto, Kinju et al. Educational Psychology (Series: Modern Psychology, Vol. 7) = Kyoiku Shinrigaku (Gendai Shinrigaku Sosho Dai 7 Kan), Shin Dokushosha, 1974 (In Japanese)
Matsumoto attended the twentieth International Psychology Conference held in August 1972 and deeply deplored the state of the academic society of psychology in Japan compared with the international standard: the accomplishments made in socialistic countries, which had been completely ignored in Japan, abounded in great discoveries on psychology and the psychology in socialistic countries was an advanced one established on the criticism against the raison d'etre of the Western psychology that Japanese psychological society had regarded as its model. At the disappointment, Matsumoto decided to edit Series: Modern Psychology (In Japanese) in ten volumes. The displayed part is a part written by Matsumoto of Volume 7 of the series, Educational Psychology and there are many notes written down by Matsumoto himself. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Kido, Bantaro. Seventy Years of Educational Science (Kyoiku-kagaku 70 Nen), Hokudai Tosho Kankokai, 1978 (In Japanese)
Bantaro Kido (1893-1985) was a mentor of Matsumoto's and instructed him on child psychology and linguistic psychology at Tokyo University. The book well describes the personality of the author, Kido: he only completed the elective course of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Letters in the Tokyo Imperial University and was not a graduate of the university; he was a multi-disciplinary scholar who expanded his interest into education and sociology on the basis of psychology; and, last but not least, he persistently carried out the campaign for civil education before the war. When he was young, he felt that there is no academic study on education in Tokyo University, or even in Japan, so he found it necessary to establish education as a scientific study on education or a science. Arguing that education must be fundamentally shaped as a study based on facts, he organized the Society of Education where people practically engaged in education and specialists can disccuss together and on the basis of the research and discussion there, he went on to harshly criticize textbooks or propose his unique theory for educational reform, making a grassroots effort at the campaign for educational reform. This tome was presented by the author to Matsumoto and there appear the names 'Matsumoto' in the sections related to the Society of Tecnology. (Matsumoto Collection)
- С.Л.Рубинштейн (S. L. Rubinstein), Основы общей психологии (The Foundation of General Psychology), Moscow, Полиграфкнига, 1982 (In Russian)
As seen in his early study on the linguistic development of children, Matsumoto studied developmental psychology. On the other hand, he introduced the psychology in the Soviet and Eastern Europe and established the foundation of the study on developmental psychology in the Faculty of Education of Tohoku University. Regarded as the first attempt to organize the Soviet psychology, this book illuminated all the scientific researches of the Soviet psychologists and demonstrated its importance in psychological studies in the world. Rubinstein was awarded the Stalin prize for this work in 1941. (Matsumoto Collection)
- Matsumoto, Kinju, Project Team for the 70th Anniversary of Professor Kinju Matsumoto (ed.), Spring Wind: Posthumous Manuscripts of Professor Kinju Matsumoto, (Kofu: Matsumoto Kinju Sensei Iko), 1985 (In Japanese)
The publication of this book was planned as one of the projects for Matsumoto's 70th anniversary. At first, the book was to be named 'Fifty Years of Psychology' and published ten years earlier but the publication was delayed because of Matsumoto's scrupulous personality. As Matsumoto died on June 22 1984, a month before his eightieth birthday, the book was published by his disciples who had studied under Matsumoto's instruction at Tohoku University and were working in the field of psychology in metropolitan area. The book consists of four papers of Matsumoto's, which represent his research at each stage, and his essays that appeared in Kahoku Shimpo from October to November 1955. (Matsumoto Collection)
17. Yajima Collection Displayed at the tenth permanent exhibition
- Yajima, Genryo, The Catalog of the Publishers and Publications in the Tokugawa Period with Sequel and Pilot Edition (Tokugawa Jidai, Shuran) (In Japanese)
This book catalogs as many books published in the Early Modern Times in Japan as possible and displays them with their publishers that are arranged according to the order of the Japanese kana syllabary. It also records the name, the year of publication and the source (indicated by numbers) of the books, including Kano Collection or other classic books in the Attached Library of Tohoku University, according to about 40 catalogs of various museums. Its pilot edition mimeographed in 1968 (100 copies) was highly praised, which led to the publication of the regular edition after supplements and corrections with the aid of the subsidy granted by the Ministry of Education. The regular edition (269 pages) records about 3200 publishers and 17000 publications and has index of books and authors. The sequel (101 pages) adds fourteen catalogs. (Yajima Collection)
- Yajima, Genryo. Series: The manuals of Reference work (Sanko Shiryo Shirizu), 79 Vols. (In Japanese)
Yajima has been in charge of reference work for a long time. In those days, there was neither Internet nor various databases of today. In spite of the difficulty, Yajima made a vast amount of reference books to make research more efficient and distributed them to researchers. These reference books helped both Japanese and foreign researchers and were praised very useful. Here is displayed a part of these materials. (Yajima Collection)
- The Tohoku University Library(ed.). Exhibition Catalog (Tenkan Mokuroku) (In Japanese)
Recently, university libraries tend to make effort toward exhibition and many exhibitions for citizens are held everywhere. The Attached Library of Tohoku University anticipated the movement by holding, though small-scale, monthly exhibitions (1960-1972) and appealed to the citizens of Sendai City. It was a lot of collections such as Kano Collection and the enthusiastic librarians led by Yajima that made it possible to hold the exhibitions. Here is displayed a part of the exhibition catalog. (Yajima Collection)
- A Sailor Pirout and the Western Calendar (Funanori Pirout, Banreki), mimeograph, 1963 (In Japanese)
Tohoku University, with the first Director Tsuruichi Hayashi, who himself was collecting, was one of the few sites in Japan where the books concerning Japanese astronomical mathematics were collected in a large amount. Akira Hirayama, a lecturer of the Faculty of Science, who was the last inheritor to this tradition, energetically researched into the books concerning Japanese astronomical mathematics and made many accomplishments, of which this book is an example. It is the printed edition of two rare manuscripts with the aide of the Subsidy for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education. According to the comment attached to the book, A Sailor Pirout is based on a manuscript of the logbook kept by Shizaemon Shimatani, who investigated the northern part of the Ogasawara archipelago for the first time in 1675 and Banreki treats of comparison between the western calendar and the Japanese calender. As the source of the former has never been identified and that of the latter, once collected at Mito Shokokan, was burned during the war, the book is valuable as material though it is not the original. Hirayama presented the tome to Yajima. (Yajima Collection)
20. Yanase Collection Displayed at the eleventh exhibition
- Hatoyama, Hideo. General Remarks on the Civil Code of Japan (Nihon Minpo Soron), 2 Vols. Iwanami Books. 1923-24. (In Japanese)
In his essay Hosho Hengen (Remarks on Literature of Law), Yanase says "Among books concerning law, this is one of the books by which I was, in a sense, awaken and, therefore, influenced or suggested to cultivate my natural tendency, or, put another way, after all, which made me feel that I would like to write such a work too if possible." Yanase argues "scholarship is complete only when it has seen everything from a certain perspective and illuminated everything from a certain perspective" and, in that sense, this work is " a book which represents a paragon of a school of law and which the students trying to study law ought to read as a classic at least once".
- Minobe, Tatsukichi. The Essentials of the Constitution revised edition (Kempo Satsuyo Teisei Saihan), Yuhikaku, 1924 (In Japanese)
As the gist of the book is so-called the Emperor-as-Organ-of-the-State Theory, which argues that the nation is a corporate body and that the emperor is one of its institution, the book treats of the doctrine of the nation as a corporate body and the sovereignty of the Diet. Based on these two fundamental ideas, the book illuminates every problem in the prewar Constitution. The author, Tatsukichi Minobe, was one of Yanase's mentors and Yanase was impressed with his clear way of defining concepts and inferring conclusions by using the concepts. Yanase advises that this work is "a book which the students trying to study law ought to read as a classic at least once" as well as Hideo Hatoyama's General Remarks on the Civil Code of Japan.
- Yanase, Yoshimoto. Basic Theory of Administrative Law (Gyosei Ho no Kiso Riron), Kobundo Shobo. 1940-1941. (In Japanese)
Yanase had majored in the constitution in Tokyo Imperial University but, as Yoshio Suzuki, who majored in administrative law in Tohoku Imperial University, retired and Yanase was appointed after him, he wrote a paper for job application on administrative law. This is the first collection of his papers concerning the theory of administrative law, including his first paper on the theme The Property in Public estates / Kobutsu no shoyu ken (Journal of National Study Association / Kokka gakukai zasshi, v. 47, no.2). In the preface, Yanase says: "The mission of academic study is not to solve problems in ordinary life by making use of the propositions already proved true; rather, it is to return to reexamine these propositions, to think over the ground for which they are assumed true and to clarify their limits and their essential points. Only in that way can we advance the study." This statement represents one of the themes he pursued all his life.
- Yanase, Yoshimoto. Offentliche Lasten (Public Load) Law, revised edition (Series: Study of Law, Vol. 14) (Koyo Hutan Ho Kaiteiban (Horitsugaku Zenshu Dai 14 Kan)),Yuhikaku, 1962 (In Japanese)
Until the publication of the book, the work of Tatsukichi Minobe(who was one of Yanase's mentors) published by Nihon Hyoronsha before the war in 1936 had been the only organized work dealing with the public load law. After the publication of Minobe's work, the Constitution changed and the Land Expropriation Law was thoroughly revised. In addition, after the war, with the increase of the problems concerning the purchase of land for constructions of power plants, highways, Shinkansens and so on, the purchase of land became much more necessary. As this problem concerns with the conflicts between private and public interests in the clearest way, it involves many complex problems. Therefore, when the first edition of the book was published in 1960, many people concerned with the problem had been waited for an organized work. Yanase devotes three fifth of the book to the explanation of the Land Expropriation Law and, weighing the compensation of the damage in particular, criticizes precedent theories. Yanase explains his original view based on his refined theoretical structure.
- Yanase, Yoshimoto. Essays on Law: the Shadow of the Heart (Hosho Hengen: Kokoro no Kage), Ryosho Hukyukai, 1969 (In Japanese)
- Yanase, Yoshimoto. Lecture on Administrative Law (Gyoseiho Kogi), Ryosho Hukyukai 1951 (In Japanese)
Though Yanase wrote both of two books as textbooks, they are written very differently. While Textbook of Administrative Law is written as usual textbooks are, Lecture on Administrative Law is written in colloquial language and easy to read. Yanase said of the latter, "I have wanted to write a book entirely consisted of basic principles that I won't have to revise even when the laws are revised. The lecture of Yanase had a tone similar to that of Lecture on Administrative Law and sounded like a rakugo (Japanese comic storytelling). As a matter of fact, he was once asked by his student whether he had practiced a rakugo.
- Yanase, Yoshimoto. Essays on Law: the Shadow of the Heart (Hosho Hengen: Kokoro no Kage), Ryosho Hukyukai, 1969 (In Japanese)
In addition to the works on administrative law he majored in, Yanase wrote four collections of essays: Various Places in Europe / Yoroppa tokoro dokoro (Yushindo,1957), Identity of Apparition / Yurei no Shotai (Ryosho Hukyukai, 1979), Monthly Essays / Getsugetsu Roku Sho (The Association for the Commemoration of Professor Ryokan Yanase, 1986) and this work (all of these are in Japanese). In contrast to his style in the works on administrative law, which is rational and careful, his style in essays directly expresses his mind. At first, Yanase wanted to title the book The Shadow of the Heart But, as the publisher worried that the book would not sell well with that title and asked him to add the word 'law', the original title ended up as the subtitle.
- Kojima, Kazushi and Hujita, Sorayasu et al. (ed.) Administrative actions and the Constitution: In Honor of the Retirement of Dr. Yanase from Tohoku University (Gyosei Koui to Kempo: Yanase Hakase Tohoku Daigaku Taishoku Kinen), Yuhikaku. 1972. (In Japanese)
Yanase retired from Tohoku University in March 1969 and assumed a professor of the Faculty of Law in Jochi University. At the same time, he was designated as a honorary professor of Tohoku University. This book is a collection of papers edited by his colleagues and students. Among the papers collected, Fujita's paper clarifies afresh the significance of Yanase's theory of administrative law.
22. Wada Collection Displayed at the eleventh permanent exhibition.
- Wada, Saichiro, Tugan-Baranowsky's (Туган-Барановський Михайло Iванович) Theory of Crisis (Tugan-Baranowsky no Kyokoron), Annual Report: Economics (Kenkyu Nempo 'Kezaigaku, no. 1), 1934 (In Japanese)
This paper appeared as the opening paper of the first issue of Annual Report: Economics, the journal of the Economic Society of the Tokyo Imperial University. Wada majored in the theory of economic crisis and the history of crisis and he had contributed six papers (including this one) on these subject to this journal till his death in 1944. (Stack in Annex)
- Petty, Sir William. Political arithmetick London, Printed for Henry Clavel and Robert Mortlock 1691
This is one of the chief works of Petty (1623-87) in the 1670s, who was the founder of modern economics and statistics, and it was written about the same time as Political Survey of Ireland (1691). Faced with the crisis of England during the third British-Dutch War (1672-74),he aim of the work was to demonstrate that British national power is as strong as that of Holland and France, or, much stronger even. In this work, Petty advocates a scientific method, "political arithmetik", whose characteristic is to express every argument with "figures, weights and measures", that is, with numbers and to look only at the causes with objective factors, excluding any subjective judgments. Later Marx said that this work and Political Survey of Ireland mentioned above were the works written in the form of "the economics as a science independent of other studies for the first time". (Stack of rare Books)
- Locke, John. Several papers relating money, interest and trade, &c...., London, Printed A. and F. Churchill 1696
The author, Locke (1632-1704) is an English philosopher and political thinker. He organized empirical philosophy and advocated natural rights. Demonstrating the sacred rights in private property acquired through labor, Locke provided a philosophical basis for the growing bourgeoisie. In respect to economist, he played an important role as well as Petty in the transition from the Early Mercantilism to the Late Mercantilism. This book includes Locke's chief works: Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money 1692) and Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money (1695). The former is a criticism against the request to lower the legal interest rate proposed in 1668 by Childe (1630-1699), who was a theorist of mercantilism and worked as a director or the governor of the East India Company. In this work, Locke argues that the interest rate should be left to take its course according to the relation of supply and demand. The latter paper is the sequel to the former and it criticizes the demand to raise nominal value of money proposed in 1695 by William Rounds, who was an officer of the Exchequer. (Stack of Rare Books)
- Ricardo, David. On the Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation. London, John Murray, 1817.
The author, Ricardo (1772-1823) is an English economist and, in the history of economics, regarded as the one who brought to perfection the classic economics founded by Adam Smith (1723-1790). This book is not only his chief work on economics but is an immortal classic that commemorates the perfection of classic economics. The Displayed photo is of the first edition. The second edition was published in 1819 and the third in 1821. (Stack of Rare Books)
- Marx, Karl. Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Hft.1. (Capital: a Critique of Political Economy, v.1), Berlin, Franz Duncker 1859
This is the first edition of Capital: a Critique of Political Economy published in Berlin in 1859. There is 'v.1' attached to the title because Marx had intended to publish the sequel. But his project changed and the sequel was never published. The first edition has a corrigendum printed on the page after next to the table of contents and it records fourteen corrections. This corrigendum is not printed in the Werke edition of The Complete Woks of Marx and Engels or in the new MEGA edition of The Complete Works of Mark and Engels still on publication. You can see the rare corrigendum here. (Stack of Rare Books)
- Engels, Friedrich. Herrn Eugen Dühring's Umwälzung der Wissenschaft. 1. (Herr Eugen Dühring's revolution in science : (Anti-Dühring), Leipzig, Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei 1877-1878
Herr Eugen Dühring's revolution in science : (Anti-Dühring) was written by Engels (a part by Marx) to criticize the argument of Dühring, who had an influence among German Social Democratic Party and labor movements in the 1870s. The work appeared in Vorwärts (the central journal of German Social Democratic Party) as Part 1 Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution of Philosophy, Part 2 Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution of Economics and Part 3 Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution of Socialism from 1877 to 1878. In July 1877, part one of the book was published in a book form with the title Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution of Science. I. Philosophy and part two and three of the book was published in a book form with the title Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution of Science. Ⅱ. Economics, Socialism in July 1878. Tohoku University Library holds the book made up of the two books bounded. The first edition of one volume edition was published in July 1878. The three parts were revised and independently published as Engels' well known booklet Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenshaft (The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science). (Stack of Rare Books)
- Michael von Tugan-Baranowsky Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Handelskriesen in England. (Industrial Crisis in England)
Michael Tugan-Baranowsky Theoretische Grundlagen des Marxismus. (Theoretical Groundwork of Marxism) Dunker & Humblot 1905
Tugan-Branowsky (Туган-Барановський Михайло Iванович: Tugan Baranovskiy, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1865-1919) was born in Khar'kov, Ukraine. He studied natural science and law, and later economics and took office of lecturer in Petersburg University and professor in Kiev University. His theory of economic crisis is regarded as the first work proposing buisiness cycle theory. Arguing "If the social production is distributed proportionately, there is no constraint on the expansion of the market except for the free productive force of the society", Tugan-Baranowsky demonstrated that economic crisis should be explained with the 'disproportion' among the production sections. In respect to the so-called destruction theory, which argues that the development of capitalism leads to the tendency to restrict accumulation of capital so that the economic conditions sufficient to move to socialism will be met, Tugan-Baranowsly argued that what materialize socialism is not 'economic contradiction' as such. Rather, he argued, socialism is achieved only through the laborer's recognition of and their practice to change the contradiction that "capitalistic economy reduces into an economic element the laborer to whom capitalism should serve", or, in other words, "the contradiction between the economic principles of capitalism and the basic moral norm." This argument provided a strong ground for the revisionist school, such as Bernstein, during the 'revisionism controversy' at the end of nineteenth century. Wada published two papers on Tugan-Baranowsky in Annual Report: Economics (Kenkyu Nenpo: Keizaigaku) (In Japanese) and the underlines and notes on Theoretische Grundlagen des Marxismus seems to have been written when he wrote these papers. (Wada Collection)
23. Miyata Collection displayed in the 13th permanent exhibition
- Barth, Karl. Der Romerbrief. Bern, 1919
It is the first edition of Karl Barth's Der Römerbrief. The first edition was printed only 1000 copies because it was hard find a publisher willing to publish his book as he was not so popular at that time. At first the version printed at a small publishing company in Switzerland sold only 300 copies. But Christian Kaiser, publisher in Munich, found the book and he sold all the remaning 700 copies with his company's stamp in Germany. After that Bart became famous and was invited touniversity of Göttingen as a professor of the recently established department, reformist theology.
- Barth, Karl. Der Römerbrief. Munchen, 1922
It is the second edition of Karl Barth's Der Römerbrief. He finished it just before he became a professor in university of Göttingen. Barth professed that he revised every part of the last edition so that "no stone remains untouched". It is the second edition of the book which made him worldly famous.
- Barth, Karl. Theologische Existenz heute!. Munchen, 1933.
It is the first edition of Karl Barth's Theologishe Existenz heute! It was published as the first book in the series that has the same title. Barth send a copy to Adolf Hitler. Thomas Mann, in his Diary, describes his emotion and sympathy he felt after reading the book in Switzerland where he sought asylum at that time.
- Barth, Karl. Rechtfertigung und Recht. [Zurich], 1938.
It is the first edition of Karl Barth's Rechtfertigung und Recht. It is the first book of the series, "Theology", which Barth newly inaugurated. After Der Römerbrief, Barth advocated, more strongly than Calvin, for the campain against the unlawful national authority based on his new interpretation of the Romans. The book had a strong influence on Bonhoeffer's campain too.
- Barth, Karl. Gotteserkenntnis und Gottesdienst. [Zurich], 1938.
It is the first edition of Karl Barth's und Gottesdienst It is the record of his Gifford Lecture at University of Aberdean in Scotland. In this book, he argues that a christian can fight against the tyrant.
- Barth, Karl. Christengemeinde und Burgergemeinde. Munchen, 1946.
It is the first edition of Christengemeinde und Burgergemeinde. It is the document that shows his radical political thoughts after the second world war. The book set the direction of the social democracy by his positive interpretation of the fifth thesis of the Barmen declaration.
- Document of the Strife of German Churches
After the end of the second world war, the criticism against "German Christian", who had worked as the point men for the Nazis, manifested itself as "the strife of churches". Barmen declaration proclaimed at Barmen=Gemarke Church is the best achievement of this strife. This file includes the original document typed for the sake of showing the members of the church the text of the declaration and the membership card of the Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche).
- Bekenntnissynode der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche Barmen 1934, [Wuppertal, 1934].
It is the original text of The Resolutions of Barmen Declaration published in 1934. It is regarded as a monument of "the strife of churches agains the Nazis", which criticizes the thought and the actions of "German Christians" who worked as the point men for the Nazis.
- Das Zeugnis eines Boten : Zum Gedachtnis von Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Genf, 1945.
The Testimony of an Apostle: For Reminiscence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer is one of the most famaous German theologists in the world today. He participated in the resistance against the Nazis but was arrested by the Gestapo and died in a concentration camp near the border with the Czech Republic in April 1945, just before the American army intervened. This booklet was published by the World Counsil of Churches in Geneve and it is the first book to report the death of a martyr within a year.
- Niemöller, Martin. Reden 1958-1961. Frankfurt/M, 1961.
It is a collection of the lectures given by Martin Niemoller, a GermanLutheran theologist. Niemoller worked as the captain of a submarine during the first world war but then began to study theology to become a priest. In this book, he tried to persuade German people to admit their guilt in the second world war and argued against Germany's nuclear armament for the sake of the world peace. You can see his autograph with a dedication to Miyata on the title page. ("In sincere appreciation of the conversation on 13, May, 1960 in Tokyo -- it was a conversation with full understanding and I hope it would be useful for you"). The conversation, "Politics and Religion in the Modern World" was published in the September number of Sekai (Iwanami Books) in 1966 and later collected in Miyata's Nihon no Seiji Shukyo/Japanese Politics and Religion (in Japanese) (Asahi Sensho)
- Niemöller, Martin. Vom U-Boot zur Kanzel. Berlin, [1934].
It is the autobiography of Martin Niemöller. It describes how he became a priest from the captain of a submarine during the first world war.
- Niemöller, Martin. Dennoch getrost. [Zurich], 1939.
It is a collection of Martin Niemoller's sermons. After he proved innocent in the court for treason in July, 1937, he was arrested by the Gestapo and incarcerated in a concentration camp as a "special prisoner" of Hitler's. This collection consists of the sermon he preached at the church in Berlin-Dahlem during the two years before his arrest. This book was published by the committee on relief in Switzerland, which aided the strife of German churches.
- Uchimura, Kanzo. Collection of English, Japanese and German texts (Ei-wa-dokugo shu). Iwanami Books. 1922
The book consists of English texts contrasted with Japanese translation. The texts was originally published by Kanzo Uchimura in the incipit of the journal Study on the Bible (Seisho no Kenkyu). Uchimura associated with Karl Heim (1874-1958), one of the most famous German theologist in the twentieth century, when he visited Japan on his way to Peking where he participated in the International Christian Conference. Uchimura presented this book to him with his dedication and autograph and ,then, Mrs. Heim presented the book to Miyata when he left Germany in Autumn, 1962.
- Uchimura, Kanzo.Wie ich ein Christ wurde. 4te Aufl, Stuttgart, 1911.
It is Kanzo Utimura's Yo ha Ikanisite Kirisuto Sinto ni narisi ka (Why I Became a Christian) in German. The book introduced Uchimura's thoughts abroad and had a huge impact.
- Uchimura, Kanzo. Study on the Epistle to the Romans (Romasho no Kenkyu) Kozando Shobo, 1924
Uchimura gave sixty lectures on the Epistle to the Romans at the auditorium of the Higenienic Society of Japan in about two years from January 1921 to October 1922. The records of these lectures were collected by Kenzo Azegami, revised and supplemented by Uchimura and serialized in the journal Study on the Bible (Seisho no Kenkyu). This book is based on the serialization. The "Note on the Text" says that "most of the content is supplied by Uchimura" and "most of the passages are written by Azegami. As this book has autographs of both, it seems to have been presented by both of the authors.
- Rau, Johannes. Geschichte in Portrats. Holzgerlingen, c2001.
This is History in Portraits, recently written by the last president of Germany, Johannes Rau. The book was presented to Miyata via Wolfgang Huber, the Bishop of Berlin-Brandenburg, at a small ceremony on 26 August 2002, when Miyata visited Berlin. The title page has a dedication from the author: "With my appreciation to Professor Mitsuo Miyata, the ambassador between Christianity and Asian thoughts, between German tradition and Japanese reality. Johannes Rau." Miyata awarded a grand decoration from the president of Germany for his great achievement for Germany in May 2004.
24. Koeber Collection Displayed in the 14th permanent exhibition
[Works of Koeber]
- A catalogue of the Koeber collection. [Sendai], Tohoku Imperial University Library, 1943
In Japanese: Koeber Bunko Mokuroku
A catalogue of the Koeber collection, which is collected in this library, and was made in March 1943. Koeber could not return to his country because of the first world war and died in Japan on 14 June 1923. According to his will, his collection of books was bequeathed to his closest disciple Tsutomu Kubo and his collection of scores was bequeathed to Itoshige Tachibana, who was taught music by Koeber. Kubo was installed as an assistant professor of classical languages in the Fuculty of Law and Literature of this university in 1929 and retired in 1944. While he taught here, Koeber's books related to philosophy were used in Kubo's office and the others were trusted to his relative in Tokyo. In 1942, however, when the air raids were getting hard in Tokyo, Kubo tried to take back the books from the relative but could not find a place where the books could be stored safely. In the meantime, Toyotaka Komiya, who was the director of this library, proposed accepting the books in Tohoku University and, as a result, Koeber's 1,999 books were collected in this university in March 1942.
- Koeber, Raphael von. Kleine Schriften. 3 Bds. Tokyo, Iwanami 1918-1925 .
Koeber, Raphael von. Kozan Fukada and Tsutomu Kubo trans. into Japanese Koeber Hakase sho hin shu (Works of Dr. Koeber et al.) Iwanami 1919-1924
Koeber stayed with his friend, Arthur Wilme, in his room, having planned to stay there for a week till his ship would leave Japan, but Koeber could not return to Germany because of the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The room was in Russian consular office in Yokohama and Koeber was waiting there for the day when the peace would be restored in Europe, engaging himself in reading and writing. During these nine years of waiting, Koeber published his essays in magazines such as Shicho, Shiso and Seisaku. These essays were collected in Kleine Schriften, 3 volumes, and the book was translated into Japanese as Works of Dr. Koeber (by Kozan Fukada and Tsutomu Kubo), Sequel to Works of Dr. Koeber (by Kubo) and The Second Sequel to Works of Dr. Koeber (by Kubo). These works impressed readers very much and excerpts from the original texts were included in textbooks of German for high school or university.
- Koeber, Raphael von Lectures on aesthetics and history of art. Tokyo, 1898.
In Japanese: Bigaku bijyutsushi kogi
From 1893, Koeber gave lectures on aesthetics at Tokyo Imperial University, which Soseki attended. The lectures were printed as this book to be circulated privately. This book clearly shows fundamental appreciation of art typically found in Japanese modern aesthetic ideas: Koeber reads "nirvana" into the concepts of "beauty" and "art" and regards them as the realization of "love", "compassion", "agape" and "eros".
- Koeber, Raphael von. Schopenhauer's Erlosungslehre. Leipzig, Haacke, n.d.
In Japanese: Schopenhauer no gedatsu ron
Koeber submitted his dissertation on Shopenhauer, Die Lehre von der menschlichen Freiheit (The Study on Human's Freedom) to Heidelberg University in 1880. This book contains the dissertation with a few revisions in the part concerning Schelling.
- Koeber, Raphael von. Das phisosophische System Eduard von Hartmann's. Breslau, Koebner, 1884.
When Koeber enlarged the chapter on Shopenhauer in the eleventh edition of Schwegler's A history of philosophy in epitome (Geschichte der Philosophie im Umriss), he mentioned Eduard von Hartmann as a scholar who completed and transcended Shopenhauer's theory. This mention led Koeber to associate with Hartmann and, recommended by him, Koeber published this book in 1884. At that time, Hartmann was worldly famous as the most eminent philosopher. When he was invited to Tokyo University as a lecturer on philosophy, he recommended Koeber and, as a result, Koeber decided to come to Japan.
[Koeber's favorite works and others]
- Die Bibel : oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments.(The Bible) Bielefeld. Velhagen and Klasing. 1859
The Bible is on the top of Koeber's list of the books he would like to carry with him if he were left alone on a desert island. He mentions in particular the passage in the twenty-fourth chapter of Luke, "Stay with us, for it is almost evening, and the day is almost over ", as "the prayer which is the most beautiful and pious among all prayers and without which I no longer want to go to bed." According to his will, the passages around this one in Luke were read aloud at his funeral by his closest disciple, Tsutomu Kubo.
- Kempis, Thomas a. De Imitatione Christi. Paris. Leonard. 1697
As well as the Bible, this book is in Koeber's list of the books he would like to carry with him if he were left alone on a desert island. As to Koeber's library, Tsutomu Kubo reports, "the general feature of Dr. Koeber's library was that there was no so-called gorgeous edition. He had preference as to contents of books but he was relatively indifferent to their bounding, printing or quality of paper and content with cheap ones. . . . , and he didn't have much interest in rare books or first editions. But, rarely in his library, this book is a bibelot relatively well bound.
- Hilty, C. Für schlaflose Nachte. (For Sleepless Night) Leipzig, Hinrichs. 1919.
One of Koeber's favorites and bears many of his notes. While reading books, Koeber used to draw lines around noteworthy passages, scribling NB or drawing vertical or diagonal single or double lines in the margin according to their importance. Also when the important passages cover the whole chapter, he used to draw a line under the chapter number or to mark a hook at the beginning of the passage. In the end of many books in his library, you will find his light notes, written with pencils, indicating noteworthy topics and their page numbers.
- Platonis Dialogi: secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi. (Plato. Dialogue) 6vols. Lispiae. Teubneri. 1894-1907.
Keober liked simple and a little "antique" ones the best in the field of philosophy, literature and art. As to philosophy, he preferred Plato particularly, saying, "My desire for metaphysics is, after all, sufficiently satisfied by ancient Greeks. Philosophy after them is, frankly, no more than a kind of luxury -- inasmuch as we already have Plato with us." Plato's Dialogue was one of his favorite and he read the words of Socrates in Crito repeatedly.
- Kant, Imanuel. Kritik der reinen Vernünft; herausgegeben von J. h. v. Kirchmann. (Critique of Pure Reason). 2nd edition. Berlin. Heimann. 1870.
As to this book, Koeber said, "it is a very good book and has many beautiful passages. One may say that it is its dryness that inspires a kind of poetry. However, you should not read it as usual. Rather, you should read it as if you were reading a novel. Kant may help you if you read him right. In general, we should not expect to find a lesson, a solution to an important problem or a revelation of some secret in philosophical books." This comment reminds us that Koeber located himself "zwischen Philosophie und Dichtung" (between philosophy and literature).
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust: Eine Tragodie. Leipzig. Reclam. n.d.
Koeber liked classical Greeks, particularly Plato, in philosophy but, as to poetry, he liked Geothe and Schiller rather than Greek or Roman poets, though Homer was an exception. He read the first part of Goethe's Faust so much as to learn it by heart. He praises the second part too as "perfect writing".
- Andersen, H. C. Eventyr og historier. (Fairy Tales) 5vols. Kjobenhavn. Gyldendalske. 1900-1905.[/en
The original text (in Danish) of Andersen's Fairy Tales. Koeber would always go to bed around ten in the evening and read horror stories or fairy tales for about half an hour till he felt like sleeping. He loved Andersen so much that he obtained the original. Koebel Collection includes two German translations of this book.
- Stoker, Bram. Dracula. New York, Wessels, 1901.
A worldly famous horror novel published in 1897. In general, Koeber liked to read horror stories as well as Andersen and Tieck during his bedtime. He particularly liked this book and recommended his close disciple Tsutomu Kubo to read it.
[Koeber and Music]
- Koeber, Raphael von. Misako Komatsu ed. Nine Songs. Ongakunotomosha. 1992.
Koeber, Raphael von. Nine Songs. CD. Ongakunotomosha. 1998.
The manustripts of music for the songs were bequeathed to one of his disciples, Itoshige Tachibana. When a strong earthquake hit Kanto the next year of Koeber's death, she tried to save his musical heritages first of all without caring for the rest of her possessions. Though she was reproached or laughed at by her relatives for not taking out more important things like clothes, she took pains to keep them. She published them in mimeograph in 1927 and distributed them to her friends and acquaintances. This collection of songs in mimeograph was passed to Yuri Iwanami (the eldest daughter of Shigeo Iwanami), who was taught piano by Tachibana, and to Misako Komatsu, a niece to Yuri Iwanami, in 1989. With Komatsu's help, the music was published by Ongakunotomosha in 1992 and the CD was made in 1998 in honor of the 150th anniversary of Koeber's birth.
- Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, Sämtliche poetische Werke. 4 Bds., Leipzig, Amelang, 1883.
One day, Koeber passed a collection of Eichendorff's poems to Tsutomu Kubo and recommended that he read Totenpfer and Die Geistlichen Lieder in the collection, saying, "Schiller's poetry is not musical at all. Goethe's is more musical than his, but not very much. Heine's is much more musical. The most musical is Eichendorff's. That's why Schubert composed many songs fitting to his poems. In addition, Eichendorff has something unique that cannot be found in others, even in Goethe. So we must know him." One of Koeber's compositions, Nine Songs, was made to fit to Eichendorff's poem, "Von Strande" ("From the Shore")
*Additional Display [Koeber and Soseki]
- A Panel. the Origin of Aesthetics. A fraction of a notebook. [1893]
Soseki writes in an essay Koeber sensei (Dr. Koeber), "I attended his lecture on aesthetics for the first time in the year when I entered the graduate school and I think it was probably his first lecture in Japan. This fraction of his notebooks is that of Soseki's written down when he attended Koeber's lecture on aesthetics. "A fraction of notebooks of the lecture on aesthetics about Kant and Schiller and others", collected in Soseki Collection of this library, is another of Soseki's notebooks written when he attended Koeber's lecture on aesthetics. Of the scribbled illustrations seen in the margin of the notebook, the one on the right page seems to represent Koeber and the one on the left seems to represent Busse, Koeber's predecessor.
- Clips. Koeber Sensei. (Dr. Koeber). I and II. Asahi Shinbun Shukusatubann. 16 and 17 July 1911. (In Japanese)
Soseki visited Koeber with Yoshishige Abe on 10 July 1911 and had dinner with him. This essay describes the impression he had on the visit, praising the unique quietness there, and was published in Asahi Shinbun on 16 and 17 July. As Soseki writes, "If you ask the students of the Fuculty of Literature in Tokyo Imperial University who has the best personality among all the professors, ninety students out of a hundred will answer 'von Koeber' rather than nominating any one of many Japanese professors," there were many students who admired Koeber's "personality." "Personality" and "education" exemplified in Koeber were generally accepted in the mentality of the intellectuals in the Taisho period. Koeber had a belief that the totality of Humanity is necessary to understand not only modern western philosophy but also its culture in general and he conveyed his belief to his students.